Explorer vs Traveler

Can someone tell me the difference between an Explorer & a Traveler on this forum? Thanks


  • edited October 2017
    Yes, you automatically graduate to Explorer status once you have posted a certain number of times. There is one other higher level, which I can't remember now, but there are only a couple of people who have that status, they have not posted for a long time, that's why I forget the name. One is called Rabo I think. That status appears to be activated by Tauck, it bares no relation to how many tours you have taken
  • edited October 2017
    British wrote:
    Yes, you automatically graduate to Explorer status once you have posted a certain number of times. There is one other higher level, which I can't remember now, but there are only a couple of people who have that status, they have not posted for a long time, that's why I forget the name. One is called Rabo I think. That status appears to be activated by Tauck, it bares no relation to how many tours you have taken

    How soon they forget!! Jan Durkin ("jdurkin"), an Aussie, was an Ambassador. Rabo was indeed an Ambassador and has been around here not too long ago in 2017:


    I think I've only seen about 2 or 3 "Ambassadors." By the way, what ever happened to Jan. I think she stopped posting sometime in 2016:

  • Re Jan, her posts started tapering off last year then ceased. Most were about frustration with the Tauck Australia operation so I think she may have stopped traveling with them and monitoring the forum.
  • The # of posts needed to qualify as an “Explorer” is 25.

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