Vaccinations for the trip to Peru & galapagos islands

I have gone to the CDC website to check vaccines. I am confused by what they are recommending. if just in the tourist areas they said not needed but we might want it any way.
so what is up with that.
thank jim


  • I am confused by what you are asking. Which vaccines are you specifically talking about? Go to a travel speciality Dr with your medical history, and your itinerary a good few weeks before your tour and discuss what you require.
  • We use "Passport Health" Office near us to go over vaccinations, etc. for going to African or Latin American countries. They do an excellent job. Look their website up for a location near you.
  • British wrote:
    Go to a travel speciality Dr with your medical history, and your itinerary a good few weeks before your tour and discuss what you require.
    Hepatitis shots require they be started 6 months in advance for complete coverage, so more than a good few weeks may be necessary.
  • BKMD wrote:
    Hepatitis shots require they be started 6 months in advance for complete coverage, so more than a good few weeks may be necessary.

    Yes, you and I know that but most people don’t. I had no idea so many people do not protect themselves and be up to date with routine vaccines until I frequented this forum. And yet everyone moans about expensive healthcare and don’t get vaccines that could be free on their health plans.
  • Jim Austin wrote:
    I have gone to the CDC website to check vaccines. I am confused by what they are recommending. if just in the tourist areas they said not needed but we might want it any way.
    so what is up with that.
    thank jim
  • Jim

    So did you need any vaccines for Hidden Galapagos and Peru. We leave 9/1 and what I have read on CDC tells me we don't need anything. Was that your experience??
  • We also leave on the Sept 1 Peru and Hidden Galapagos trip!
    Last year, we went to Kenya and Tanzania which required a number of vaccines plus Malaria prophylaxis. At that time, we got to know our Passport health team really well.
    We went back this year and were happy to find that we did not need any vaccines...BUT we are both bringing a prescription to prevent altitude sickness.
  • Our travel nurse said that Equador requires people coming from Peru to be vaccinated against yellow fever, but we wouldn't need the shots if we came direct to Equador from the US. It's possible that Tauck has gotten the tour group some sort of group dispensation from this vaccine, as the tourwill not take us into the yellow fever areas of Peru, only higher altitudes. But since we weren't sure of that, we are getting the yellow fever vaccine to be safe.
  • Tauck does not get involved with vaccinations, they always direct you to the CDC. Without knowing the true medical history of everyone and I guess running it by Doctors. It’s just not possible. They take no responsibility about anyone being refused entry into a country if they do not have the proof of vaccinations such as the Yellow Fever card.
  • We are on the April 30 Peru and the Galapagos Islands tour. Our travel clinic indicated that we could receive a waiver for the YF vaccine due to “advanced age” (we are both 67!). However, we have opted to get YF in mid-March just to be safe (we’ll need it anyway for the K&T tour we booked in 2020). We’ve also received Typhoid vaccine, Hep A (second dose to be administered in early April), and we’re up-to-date on other immunizations. There is still a shortage of the FDA-approved YF vaccine, but certain clinics/hospitals have been granted permission by FDA to use a similar vaccine, which is used in Europe and other countries in the world. It’s manufactured by Sanofi-Pasteur, the same company that manufactures the FDA-approved vaccine for use in the US. It’s amazing what an education we’ve received--and we haven’t even left the country yet! I’d recommend vaccination--better be safe than sorry!
  • Jan511 wrote:
    We are on the April 30 Peru and the Galapagos Islands tour. Our travel clinic indicated that we could receive a waiver for the YF vaccine due to “advanced age” (we are both 67!). However, we have opted to get YF in mid-March just to be safe (we’ll need it anyway for the K&T tour we booked in 2020). We’ve also received Typhoid vaccine, Hep A (second dose to be administered in early April), and we’re up-to-date on other immunizations. There is still a shortage of the FDA-approved YF vaccine, but certain clinics/hospitals have been granted permission by FDA to use a similar vaccine, which is used in Europe and other countries in the world. It’s manufactured by Sanofi-Pasteur, the same company that manufactures the FDA-approved vaccine for use in the US. It’s amazing what an education we’ve received--and we haven’t even left the country yet! I’d recommend vaccination--better be safe than sorry!

    We got our shots for K&T when I was 67- I didn’t consider myself of advanced age, back then or now! ????
  • AlanS wrote:
    We got our shots for K&T when I was 67- I didn’t consider myself of advanced age, back then or now! ????
    That's because you can't remember any more... ????

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