Welcome to Tauck’s Kingdoms & Dragons: Singapore to Bali Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s Kingdoms & Dragons: Singapore to Bali Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • I am booked for the July 13 2019 journey. I have been to Singapore several times and to Bali. Visiting Borobudur is the main reason I chose this trip. And, I like small groups. I would like to hear from anyone who has booked a Singapore to Bali journey. Several dates are sold out already.

  • Although Tauck hasn't finalized the details yet, I just reserved a spot on the May 30, 2020, Singapore to Bali trip. I have also been to Singapore once, but never Bali. Borobudur is equally high on my bucket list, though I look forward to the entire experience.
  • We have also reserved a 2020 spot for this tour. Mr B wants to see Komodo dragons Also been to Singapore about 25 years ago, rayed with friends overnight. Our favorite memory is the night time zoo.
  • Alert:
    mhteo has taken my original post and added the last sentence. The last sentence is not mine. It has a typo and is from joyscape which is an ad for Singapore family activities.
    I have reported this to Tauck.
  • milmil
    edited January 2019
    British Hi!! Happy New Year, I see you're getting ready for new travel plans...
    I read you're planning for Bali in 2020, me too. I'm would do the August 22nd tour. How about you guys?
    I'm going to Australia this coming Sept. so I'm okay for this year... not much PLD left at work. :))
    Have a great day.
  • edited January 2019
    Mileg wrote:
    British Hi!! Happy New Year, I see you're getting ready for new travel plans...
    I read you're planning for Bali in 2020, me too. I'm would do the August 22nd tour. How about you guys?
    I'm going to Australia this coming Sept. so I'm okay for this year... not much PLD left at work. :))
    Have a great day.
    Hi Mileg, on the Panama Canal tour right now, just about to post a partial review. Bit of a break next while Mr B has hand surgery, then it’s our first river cruise, the next China and K and T and Rwanda In December. Money or health not run out yet????
  • milmil
    edited January 2019
    British nice to heard from you ; I'm glad you guys are doing well and having fun... good luck with the surgery.
    Take care.
  • On 9/7 tour. Two weeks from now. 8/20/19.

  • LeeH: looking forward to a comprehensive review of your trip. Hope it is great, as we booked it for 2020 and are anxious to see you comments.

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