Classic Italy September 21st

Is anyone going a day early and interested in sharing a half day gozzo boat from I have a friend who
went on this boat a year ago and said it was fun.You can look it up online and see if you are interested. My sister-in-law and I are doing the trip. We have each done several Tauck tours and loved them.


  • Maybe if I were 40 years younger!
  • My husband and I are going on the Classic Italy tour 9/21 and arriving a day early. We would be interested in doing the gozzo boat tour. I would have replied sooner but was unable to access the message board. I looked at the website. Do you have additional information? Is there a way to private message each other?

  • I suggest you both email Tauck at their email expressing that you want to email each other referencing the date of your posts on the forum and give permission and see if that releases them from any privacy issues.

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