what should we know about getting from Basil to Zurich

We will need to get from the riverboat, in Basel, at 8AM to Zurich for an 11:45 flight. I assume that we need to travel by train.I am sorry to find that we won't have any time for sightseeing on this day! Thanks, Joe from Mesa, AZ.


  • Tauck does include transport from the river boat to the airport in Zurich on day 8 at no extra cost.
  • BSP51, How early will a transfer be available? Our flight leaves out of Zurich at 10:15AM.
  • As early as you need to leave to be at the airport three hours before your flight. On our most recent tour, the Tauck driver picked us up at 3-45am to get us to the airport for a very early flight.
  • Yup, if you are going to the Tauck-designated post-tour airport or train station, Tauck will get you there! If you are going to some other airport, you are on your own. Except for an occasional deviation, you don't get to choose the time you leave the hotel/ship- transportation will typically get you there 3 hours before your flight.
  • Thanks for your replies. Three hours prior is standard for international flights. That I knew. I am glad to hear that Taulk will transport you to the airport even in the middle of the night! (although, I would hate that). If I would have been able, I would have chosen a later departure, but none available. Oh well, hopefully we will be sleeping on the plane!
  • At least the day before departure, the Cruise Director will provide you the time you will be leaving the ship and when to have your luggage out in the hallway for pickup. The ship will also provide at least a continental breakfast as early as needed depending on the earliest departures that day. It's always available in the bistro at the rear of the ship, but sometimes they also set up in the lounge. Believe me that's better than any of the hotels we've stayed at have managed.

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