Classic Italy

Good Morning, I have a question about the Classic Italy large group concerning their meals. Are all the meals predetermined or do you order off a menu at each hotel? Can you get room service for some of the meals? Thank you just trying to get an idea of what to expect. Thank you


  • Usually on most tours, it goes like this. The Welcome amd Farewell dinners you order off a set menu but there are choices. Most other dinners included on the tours are a la carte and at the time you prefer to eat and even a choice of restaurants. You can eat on your own or chose to eat with others you would like to eat with. Room service is not usually an included option.
  • edited November 2018
    We did Classic Italy (small groups) in 2016, but meals can change, year-to-year, tour-to-tour, and to some degree depends on the TD and situation.

    In Sorrento, we walked to a local restaurant for an open menu welcome dinner. In Rome we had another open menu dinner, and I believe the farewell dinner in Venice was open menu. At least one or two "Tauck-supplied" lunches were handled by the TD who gave each person cash to buy wherever and whatever. For one dinner in Florence we were divided into two groups, each group ate at the same (small) restaurant, but on different nights, but I don't remember whether it was off the menu or from a limited selection. I would think larger groups would typically have a limited selection. I don't ever remember having a fixed meal with no choices. Even when you order from a limited menu there is typically something for everyone- pasta, meat, fish, vegetarian, etc. Also, there is always an accommodation if you have dietary restrictions and have informed Tauck or the TD ahead of time. We had at least one lunch buffet (in Venice?). You won't know how the meals will be done until you are actually on-tour. If you look at the itinerary, you'll see you eat almost half (5 of 12) of the dinners and 8 of 13 lunches on your own, so you will have plenty of opportunity to sample a wide variety of Italian cuisine if you choose.

    One thing I found interesting, humorous, puzzling (?) when I read the reviews of this trip a few years ago- one reviewer marked the tour down because Italian food was offered too often!?!?!? : ) : ) : ) My response is, "So, what is wrong with that??" That is one reason to travel to Italy!

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