tent accommodations
Although I am travelling with a friend we have booked singe accommodations . Did anyone staying solo have any concerns about the tent accommodations? I am not concerned about people but rather reptiles. Sorry a phobia
I will also mention that during our Indian tour [when we were looking for tigers], the local monkeys/ baboons tried to open the sliding doors on our balcony. We had been warned about locking doors, but sure enough! In the middle of the night, we heard and then saw a monkey trying to gain access.
No problems with reptiles on either tour.
I have heard that about the Four Seasons, Serengeti (a friend actually got an upgraded room because baboons tore up the one they were initially assigned before they arrived), but I didn't realize it was also a problem at Amboseli too, though I do remember seeing a lot of black-faced vervet monkeys hanging around there.
Serengeti was visited after Amboseli, so we were especially careful about closing the sliding doors on the terrace to protect against monkey guests. Similarly, we were careful to zip the tent closures at Masai Mara all the way to the bottom. Lots of baboons outside the walled-in compound and vervet monkeys all around the property. No snakes.