French Escapade - Southbound -- Oct 5, 2019

Day 2 of the trip is mostly free time at various museums in Paris. It is a Sunday and we are interested in going to the Rodin Museum and Hotel des Invalides. The info we've received from Tauck says that tickets will be available to various museums in Paris. This day is a Sunday and both the Rodin and Invalides is listed as open on Sundays. I would like Tauck to inform me if tickets to these museums will be available as we have been to Paris on several tours with Tauck before and have already seen the Louvre, d'Orsay, the Opera House, etc. Thank you.


  • You should call Tauck for an answer.

  • Thanks. I've tried 2x now--still waiting for an answer from Tauck.

  • Your’e kidding, that’s bad! You mean they don’t know or you can’t get thru?

  • edited August 2019

    Have you actually called, talked to an agent, and are waiting for a phone or email response, or are you waiting for a response from Tauck to your post above? This is a non-moderated, guest forum. Tauck rarely, if ever, responds to posted questions.

    If you spoke to a Tauck agent who didn't have the answer immediately available, the delay in receiving a reply (by phone or email) may be because the agent hasn't received a response from the country team or from a TD in the field, which as you know are very busy.

  • Unfortunately when I contacted Tauck with a specific question about a tour (while I was deciding whether to book), the agent said they would check and get back to me and never did. I took a chance and booked it anyway before my preferred category sold out. I've only done 12 tours with them, but I am feeling that as they have gotten bigger, the personal attention we used to get has declined. Just my opinion.

  • It's a drag they haven't gotten back with the answer but can't imagine either site will be difficult to get into for a Sun in October. I would think you can just show up and get entrance tickets right away if it turns out that Tauck doesn't have them. Things can change so much on the tour that even if you got an answer now it might be different once you're there.

  • Thanks everyone for the assistance. I continued to call and finally got an answer. The "and other museums" really wasn't true. They only supported the Louvre, d'Orsay, etc. that they specifically listed. It took a week to get the answer so we'll still do what we want to do, just pay separately. Oh well...

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