
Do I have to get my visa for Jordan in advance? The State Dept. website says that "most" ports of entry will issue visas to US citizens upon arrival, but visas are not issued at the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge border crossing. It looks like that's the closest crossing to Jerusalem, so we might be using that one.


  • If you a taking a Tauck tour, the visa instructions should be on the web page for tour (scroll down to the "Before you go" section). They should also be in the confirmation letter that was sent to you upon booking.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, Ken. I am going with Tauck. The FAQ on the Tauck page for my tour said that a visa would be issued at the border, but it also said that the crossing would be at the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge, which contradicted the information on the US Embassy in Jordan website. Maybe BKMD, who just returned from that trip, can chime in.

  • I would check with Tauck directly. They may be more up to date than the embassy page or have a special way of handling the visas. In any case, they should be able to confirm with the tour directors.

  • Having just returned from this trip over the weekend, I can tell you that the TD takes care of it at the border. There's nothing you need to do. Similarly, the TD will hand you a paper that's a group exit visa on the day prior to your departure, which you hand to the Jordanian Customs agent at the airport. The one thing I didn't like about the exit visa is it had everyone's name, DOB, and passport number listed for every other guest to view. A violation of privacy, in my opinion, and potentially risky for identity theft if the paper gets into the hands of a ne'er-do-well.

  • Thanks, BKMD. I agree with your assessment about the violation of privacy.

  • We (most/all in our group) will be arriving in Jordan by air at Queen Alia International Airport for our Jordan & Egypt tour in March. Supplemental information provided on the Tauck website after the tour info and pricing were finalized and confirmed by a sales rep, closely matches what BKMD experienced- that the TD or Tauck rep will meet us at the airport and facilitate obtaining a visa at no charge to us (same for Egypt visa). Joycesw experienced the same thing touring with A&K last spring. It appears that Jordan has initiated new visa procedures for groups being led by tour companies certified by Jordan.

    From the Before You Go, "The Jordanian visa is a single-entry visa that is obtained upon arrival at Amman's Queen Alia International Airport, there is no charge for our guests as long as we have their passport information 60 days prior to tour start. The Egypt visa will be issued on tour and is included in the tour cost."

  • edited November 2019

    I’m not sure I understand the ‘privacy’ issue. Every time one travels internationally the full name, date of birth, and passport number is provided to the airlines involved, the ships involved, and numerous others. I think the passport and the information in it is an “open book”. It is far far away from being a ‘confidential’ document. The passport itself certainly requires protection. When in my possession it is the first thing that goes into the safe. That being said, most cruise ships take possession of your passport for the ‘duration’, and many hotels require your passport at check-in. Of course almost everyone here knows this, but the info in the passport is rather widely disseminated.

  • Sealord - True, you have to give your passport to various individuals tasked with using the information. Similarly, you give your credit card to a waiter; and you provide your SSN to the IRS, insurance company, bank, etc. However, having printed sheets of paper with everyone's info floating around is different in my mind. On a larger scale, using your logic, what's the big deal about a data breach at Target or Equifax?

    And I've been on multiple cruises and none has taken my passport.

  • It has been very common practice in many countries to have to show your passport in hotels and for ships to hold your passport. We have been used to this all our traveling lives. For example. Our last tour to China, we had to show our passport to the hotels. In this case, our tour director held our passports and did this for us all.

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