Can I take an iPad in my carry-on or personal bag?

On page 18 in the green book it says that electronic devices larger than a cellphone should be placed in checked baggage. I have a standard-sized iPad. Is the rule for Qantas? For the chartered flights?


  • I did this trip two years ago. Carry-on baggage was limited on some flights to a tote-bag size. I had plenty of room for a standard IPAD. Wonder if there is now some problem with going through security with electronics on your person - Tauck can clarify.

  • We took this trip in September and did not have a similar instruction. In addition to cellphones, we both brought tablets on all flights (they easily fit in our backpacks). I suggest you contact Tauck for an explanation. Our commercial flights were on United, except for the Qantas flight to Wellington. You can also check the airlines and the various airports for their guidelines. Maybe there has been a change.

  • edited November 2019

    I cannot find anything about this on the on the Qantas website. However, on the Qatar website the rule is that if you want to carry an iPad or dslr camera into the cabin, you must be able to switch it on if asked at security. It’s actually worth looking at their website because it talks about if you have to surrender your iPad, how you get it back
    . The original rules about not being able to take iPads on flights of a couple of years ago have been scaled back. At the time, I was getting a new iPhone and opted for the larger one, thinking it would be easier to read if I could not take an iPad on a flight.
    I think Tauck have given you out of date info in the green book. I’ve just received my green book for another tour and some important info in their is Wrong.
    I would call Tauck immediately, they do not monitor this forum regularly. I would also read on the Qantas website or call Qantas.

  • Thank you, all. I have read the Qantas website, and it stated that "computers" should not be placed in checked bags. The ruling of page 18 was from 2017, so I will call Tauck. I have never had a problem on any other airline but haven't flown Qantas.

  • I flew Qantas last year and had no problem taking my iPad mini into the cabin.

  • Calling the airline and/or Tauck is the correct move. Each airline and country may vary. As an example, last year when we did the Portrait of India tour we were told by our Tour Director not to check (for the intra-India flights) any electronics. All electronics should be carried onto the plane. That made getting through security such a treat, since they were very interested in things like electric toothbrushes, electric razors, etc.

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