Feb 6, 2020 Tour - Warm Jacket?

Hi! Our tour starts 2/6. I thought we'd only need a light jacket. After reading posts from last year & doing some research I think we need something warm. Any thoughts on this?


  • Depends where you're from and what you tolerate. I did this trip Oct '16. I'm an active skier and tolerate cold without a problem. For me, a lined windbreaker was more than enough for the 50F mornings on the south island of NZ. The people from SoCal had down jackets and gloves, and were still cold. :)

  • edited January 2020

    6 Feb is summer in Oz, like 6 Aug in the northern hemisphere!

  • Yes,Alan is correct, it’s very hot in Australia in February. As hot as it is now with all the fires. We did not go to Australia at that time of year for that very reason, but we did go to NZ then. It can be cool In the mornings and rainy but it’s the perfect time to go to NZ in February. All you should need is a light jacket.

  • Of course Alan and British are correct! I had a brain cramp and added nine months instead of six months
    when I wrote my previous bit of "advice," which I have now deleted!

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