Carry On Bags - Size Restrictions

Hi. Since we will be traveling around the world after the tour, we have to pack for more than the tour. I know Tauck recommends for the tour carry-on maximum 15 lbs and 20x15x10 inches. From recent prior experience on this tour, what's the reality of overhead space. Will a standard US 22 inch roller board carry-on fit? Will a medium sized gym type backpack fit under the seat? What's the tightest configuration - the Dash 8 or other prop plane equipment in NZ? Many thanks!


  • edited February 2020

    5:02PM in Grand Australia and New Zealand

    From recent prior experience on this tour, what's the reality of overhead space. Will a standard US 22 inch roller board carry-on fit? Will a medium sized gym type backpack fit under the seat? What's the tightest configuration - the Dash 8 or other prop plane equipment in NZ? Many thanks!

    Sorry haven't done this trip (yet) and don't know what aircraft are used for on-tour charter flights. You mention the Dash 8. Unfortunately I think the answer is no for both overhead luggage bins and underseat storage on all but recent models of the Dash 8. Until someone who has actually taken this trip weighs in, I found these on Flyertalk:

    "Sorry, can't give dimensions, but small says it all. Not much will fit except for laptop cases and small to medium backpacks; everything else goes plane side. "

    "There are two overhead bin configurations on the US dash 8's. The bigger one is the one with a door on the front. You can fit most laptop bags in it, it's about the same size as the CRJ bin. The pull-down bin, though, will hardly fit a big phone book. You can't put anything in there besides maybe a messenger bag. It seems like you could, but try to close the bin and you'll see it doesn't fit."

    "Assuming it's about the same as the Dash 8-300, the overhead bin space is tiny. A medium-sized backpack may fit, but you can forget about a standard carry-on sized suitcase. It will be gate-checked. "

    "I don't think that a medium-sized backpack will fit. The OH space is actually smaller than the under-seat space."

    "It depends; the latest Q-400s have much larger bins, enough to hold standard-size roll-ons."

    Also, did you check the forum archives or do a search. Check out what BrendaAnderson says at this link: It sounds like all luggage except for personal bag goes in the cargo hold.

    And these:

  • We returned from this trip in December of 2019. It is a great trip! There were a number of people on the tour that did not abide by the carry on and hand carry restrictions. They did fit because the charter wasn't full. However, on the charter flights you climb narrow and steep steps to board the charter plane. The people with large and heavy carry-ons struggled. The hotels have laundry service and several of them have self-serve washers and dryers.

  • And we took this wonderful trip in September of 2019. Like Lovestotravel, we had some folks that ignored the carryon guidelines. In addition to struggling up and down the steep steps, some of them also expected the female flight attendants to handle their large wheeled bags for them. I felt sorry for the flight attendants.

  • I do love Tauck. Despite the few who feel they are entitled.

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