Passion Play and Coronavirus

This is the latest update from the Passion Play site:

The situation is currently being reassessed following today's press conference by Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. Should the event be cancelled, the statutory rights of return naturally apply and you are entitled to a refund of the ticket price or the package price (arrangement). We will inform you via our website should this case occur and how you can then assert your claim.

In Germany the coronavirus is taken very seriously. For the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the corona risk has increased because there are first cases in the district. So far there is no case in Oberammergau or the neighbouring municipalities.

Due to the spread of the novel corona virus, the Bavarian state government at first wants prohibits [sic] events with more than 1,000 visitors until 19th April 2020. If the situation does not calm down by 19th April 2020, the extension of this measure is explicitly not excluded by the Bavarian state government. The situation is therefore constantly being reassessed by the municipality of Oberammergau. Currently, emergency scenarios for the Oberammergau Passion Play are being developed for the case of an extension of the ban on major events beyond 19th April 2020. As of today we assume that the premiere can take place on 16th May 2020.

Of course, we will guarantee the highest possible standards of hygiene, safety and medical care for this year's Passion Play and Youth Days. The health of our guests and participants is our highest priority. Nevertheless, rehearsals for the Oberammergau Passion Play will continue. Until further notice, rehearsals will be limited to individual rehearsals. Due to photo shootings for the photo book, no more rehearsals with many hundreds of performers will take place on stage until 31st March 2020. Performers of the Passion Play who have been in risk areas in the last few weeks or who have had contact with people who have been in risk areas will be exempted from rehearsals.

As of: 13th March 2020, 11:00 am.


  • I just got an e-mail about postponement of the Passion Play and also found this new announcement on the Passion Play site:
    The 42nd Oberammergau Passion Play will be postponed due to the current situation caused by the corona pandemic. The basis for this is a decision of the district administration of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which prohibits the performance of the event planned from 16.05.2020 to 04.10.2020. The health of our guests and participants is our highest priority, therefore the responsible persons have decided to postpone the premiere of the Passion Play, which was planned for 16 May 2020, until 2022. The premiere is now scheduled for May 21, 2022. Site:

  • We were scheduled for an Oct. Tour with Tauck to see the play. This is huge and goes to show how global and long term this pandemic is. We are waiting for them to cancel our May 3 Venice, Florence, Rome trip which, surprisingly, hasn't been cancelled yet.

  • I'm disappointed, but completely understand the decision. I was supposed to go in June. I'll wait to hear from Tauck.

  • Heard from my travel agent the Passion Play is postponed until 2022. Not sure yet what Tauck will offer this year in place of this. The news is apparently changing daily. So sad to hear this and about the impact on our travel agents, people in the towns, etc.

  • The 42nd Oberammergau Passion Play will be postponed due to the current situation caused by the corona pandemic. The basis for this is a decision of the district administration of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which prohibits the performance of the event planned from 16.05.2020 to 04.10.2020. The health of our guests and participants is our highest priority, therefore the responsible persons have decided to postpone the premiere of the Passion Play, which was planned for 16 May 2020, until 2022. The premiere is now scheduled for May 21, 2022.

  • I’m hoping those who had the tour booked with Tauck will be given priority to rebook in 2022

  • edited March 2020

    British- I asked a similar question about priority for re-booking our Jordan & Egypt trip- the answer was no priority for that one. Of course the tours with the Passion Play excursion are a bit different, I guess. I could always re-book at some later date (as unsatisfactory as that might be, I ain't getting any younger) but if someone misses the 2022 Passion Play they will have to wait another 8 or 9 years! :o

    FYI, earlier today I saw two banners, one above the other, at the top of Tauck's homepage- COVID 19 Update and Passion Play- both have disappeared now (at least I can't find them), but I saved the link to the Passion Play info. It was still working a few minutes ago:

  • Thanks Alan, I have no interest in the Passion pLy, but I know Smarks does, Hi Smarks😀

  • Alan - I'm still seeing both banners

  • edited March 2020


    Alan - I'm still seeing both banner

    Could you post a link to the page with the banners. I still don't see them. Using my links I can view the 13 March Update and the Passion Play Update, but not the page with banners???

  • Hi AlanS,

    The banners on our website currently go away if they are X'd out. To get them back, try a new browser or clear your Tauck cookies on your browser and they banners will reappear. If you need any help with this please let me know!

    Tauck Kristen

  • edited March 2020

    H AlanS,

    Here's the link to the page:

    Hope this helps,

  • edited March 2020

    Thanks, Kristen. I deleted my Tauck cookies and got the banners back. I had the links, just didn't see the banners any more. They do take up a bit of screen real estate, but why would the banners with important info be set to go away- wouldn't it be better if they were stickies or drop-downs?

  • Hi AlanS,

    Glad to hear you got them back and thank you for your feedback. We're currently working on making some improvements to the banners.


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