THE REAL "Been There" Virtual Travel Quiz. Round #4
Yes, Round #4. Since we had a false start with Round #3 we'll just go on to Round #4.
Previous winners:
Round #1 won by MCD and cvc
Submitted by AlanS. Photo of the Round Tower at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, UK. First photo shows Union Jack, second is the Royal Standard, indicating the Queen is on-site. Third photo is the chapel at Eton College, where Prince Harry and Prince William attended high school.
Round #2 (A) won by Smiling Sam
Submitted by JohnS. Photo of tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun in Delhi, India. The tomb was commissioned by his first wife and chief consort, Empress Bega Begum in 1569-70.
Round #2 (B) won by BKMD and travel maven
Submitted by Smiling Sam. Photo of the what is variously termed the Royal Barge or Gangaur boat, a sort of water taxi, that was used to transport James Bond across man-made (1362) Lake Pichola to the "Floating Palace" or “Taj Lake Palace,” in Udaipur City, Rajasthan, India in the 1983 movie “Octopussy” starring Roger Moore and produced by Robert Broccoli (no proven connection to the vegetable.)
(Unofficial) Round #3 won by travel maven
Submitted by BKMD. Photo the Dohány Street Synagogue located in Budapest, Hungary. Benefactors- Tony Curtis and Helena Rubenstein.
Please review the rules before you submit, especially concerning multiple entries- see #7 below. And don't forget, you must have solid answers to your own questions.
Again, Da rules:
1. Photo(s) must have been taken by the poster or spouse during a Tauck tour. Please, no commercial or internet photos allowed.
2. Everyone is invited to guess- only one guess per family, per round.
3. The original poster will acknowledge a correct guess.
4. If there are no correct guesses and/or no correct answers to supplemental questions, after three days, the original poster will provide the answer(s), so each round doesn't run too long. Please be nice and resolve disputes over answers via PM.
5. As the defacto administrator, I will start a new thread for each new Round once each original poster has acknowledged or provided the correct answers.
6. To give everyone a shot, I'm asking the original poster to wait until six additional rounds have been completed before posting again- we'll see how this goes.
7. If two submissions are made at nearly identical times, to prevent confusion I'll ask the second poster to delete and resubmit for a subsequent round. I don't have forum ADMIN privileges so can't delete it for you (click on the gear at the top right corner of your post and select "delete"). I will attempt to ensure your submission is included in the next round- I'll ask for it in the first post of that round.
Please, let's not submit photos that are too esoteric or too lacking in informative details. And don't forget, you must be ready with solid answers to your own questions.
Again, I don't live on this site, so please have some patience.
OK, clear as mud?
Add your Round #4 submission** as a reply now! READY, SET, GO!!!
ROUND 4: Where was this picture taken?
What is the name of this structure and where is it located?
BONUS QUESTION: Who were two prominent visitors to the structure?
The game is afoot! I have a clue but am researching to confirm. Thanks travel maven!
I have no idea, but I'll take a wild guess. It is a wooden cross war memorial in the Italian Dolomites!
I have absolutely nothing to back up this wild guess- A cross (and church?) somewhere in Patagonia, visited by Butch and Sundance?
Another guess - Summit Cross on Zugspitze (Germany)
I think I need to leave some clues .
The Location is in Europe and the peak, upon which the structure sits, is part of the Emmental Alps Mountain Range.
I'll go with a Summit Cross in the Alps, but it doesn't look like Zugspitze's cross. The thing that throws me is it looks like a Celtic Cross, unless that's just cross-bracing. Image isn't high enough resolution to tell when I enlarge it.
It is not Germany and it is a Church and can be seen from one of the excursions I took with Tauck a couple of years ago on a River Cruise.
I believe I've found it.

It is the Chapel on Klimsenhorn, Mt. Pilatus, Switzerland, just outside Lucerne.
Another photo.

No idea who the prominent visitors were.
Found them.
Prominent visitors included Richard Wagner and Queen Victoria
You got it Smiling Sam. Correct on all responses.
My photo was taken a couple of years ago on The Romantic Rhine: Basel to Amsterdam Trip. Part of the optional excursion to Lucerne & Mt. Pilatus . Mt Pilatus was the most amazing part of the trip and when you look over the views, your eyes will come upon this wonderful little white chapel and the only way you can gain access is to hike up the mountainside.
Here are some additional facts from Wikipedia
The Klimsenkapelle, also known as "The chapel at the top of the world"
The Klimsenkapelle [Klimsen Chapel] on the Klimsenhorn peak as viewed from the top of Mount Pilatus.
The below is from Wikipedia, originally written in German and translated into English. (not by me, I found this on google)
“The Klimsenkapelle is located at the Klimsenhornjoch in the Pilatus massif at 1864 m above sea level. M. The neo-Gothic building was inaugurated in 1861 and originally belonged to the Hotel Klimsenhorn, which was demolished in 1967. It is under monument protection since 2002. Alternative names are Klimsenhornkapelle and chapel Klimsenhorn.
The Hergiswil entrepreneur Kaspar Blättler built the Hotel Klimsenhorn on the Klimsenhornjoch from 1856 to 1860. The complex also included an architecturally independent Neo-Gothic chapel, which was inaugurated in 1861 as the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor. Prominent visitors included Richard Wagner and Queen Victoria. Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, theatre director, polemicist, and conductor who is chiefly known for his operas. 1813-1883
Queen Victoria , of course no need to explain, 1819-1901
After the closure and demolition of the hotel in 1967, the chapel building remained, but was only used as a shelter for climbers. After the conservationist Alois Hediger had worked for the preservation, from the summer of 1974 began the restoration, which was completed after one year. The consecration took place on September 7, 1975, since then, the Foundation Chapel Klimsenhorn has been dedicated to the preservation. In September 2002, the government council Nidwalden decided to include it in the list of monuments. A renewed renovation took place in 2003 and on August 8, 2004 Abbot Berchtold Müller blessed the chapel.
The neo-gothic chapel with pillars and ridge turrets is reminiscent of choir houses of gothic mendicant churches. A retaining wall made of rubble completes the forecourt. Due to its exposed location, it is exposed to extreme climatic conditions, such as storm gusts, high rainfall and a mean annual temperature of 0.9 °”
Tough test travel maven! and thanks for the follow-up info. Oh, and Wagner was a favorite of crazy King Ludwig of Neuschwanstein fame. Well done Sam! Can you see the chapel and cross from the gondola that goes to Mt. Pilatus or from the peak. If we get to go, we are scheduled to ascend MT Pilatus at the end of the XMAS Mkts river cruise. I think I should get special credit for the most wrong, yet most interesting guess!

Give me a few moments and I'll put up the announcement for Round #5, judging by the participation so far, it should be interesting to see if someone new has an entry.
I was supposed to go to Mt. Pilatus on last December's Rhine Christmas Markets Cruise, but the excursion was cancelled because of rain and fog. Spent several hours killing time in Lucerne instead. Sorry I missed it.
When I visited Mt.Pilatus the clouds blocked any view of this chapel, but we did see a cross on another peak. I agree with travel maven how great an excursion Mt. Pilatus is. I visited in the summer. I think you’ll be very lucky if you hav any visibility in December. Like MCD, a cancellation seems likely.
For reference- that is the cross on the Zugspitze in the background:
Oh ok, thanks for letting me know about the cross, Alan, I had no idea. I don't remember seeing the church from the Gondola. I snapped the picture from the top of Mt Pilatus. On the way up, we were totally surrounded by fog. Just before we reached the top, we broke thru the clouds and had a beautiful blue sky and sunny day.
If you plan to get to Mt. Pilatus from Lucerne, take the ferry from Lucerne to the cogwheel railroad, the highest pitched railroad in the world and, then descend by the lift and take the bus back into Lucerne. That way you capture the views from both sides. I've done it on two occasions. It is spectacular.