"Been There" Virtual Travel Quiz? Round #22
See Round #20 for info about and rules for the contest.
Round #19 was won by Kathy M and MCD
Submitted by BKMD. The courtyard of the Belmond Monasterio Hotel in Cusco, Peru. It was built by the Spanish in the late 1500s and is leased from the Vatican. For an extra fee you will be supplied with supplemental oxygen to help you handle the 11,000' + altitude. Several Tauck tours stay here while in Cusco.
Round #20 was won by Smiling Sam.
Posted by JohnS. This picture was taken atop the Astronomical Clock Tower. The Prague Astronomical Clock, or Prague Orloj, is a medieval astronomical clock located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest clock still operating. The photo was taken on the Tauck's Imperial Europe tour which I believe now is called Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna & Prague.
Round #21 was won by BKMD (aqueduct) and JohnS (Mérida)
Posted by Smiling Sam. Ruins of the Roman aqueduct, Acueducto de los Milagros (English: Miraculous Aqueduct) bridge, part of the aqueduct built to supply water to the Roman colony of Emerita Augusta, today Mérida, Spain.
Round #22 is officially open. Submit your photo in a reply [Leave a Comment] to this announcement.
Please indicate what this is and where it is located.
Ooh, Ooh, I know, I know what and most like where it is, but I'm not saying!
I'm using one clue to pull this out of you know where...
A soccer ball locker at the FC Bayern sports club in Munich.
I see the FC Bayern sports club lock, but what's inside look more like steins, so I'll guess a stein locker at Octorberfest in Munich or some other Bavaria locale. Even though the August date of the photo seems early for Octoberfest, but they may use the lockers year round. Perhaps in the Hofbrau Haus.
Now that you say that Sam, I see what you mean. They are laid on their side (the round bottoms got me) and I see some handles pointing up. One thing I thought interesting is the locker numbers don't have a European 7 with the line through it.
I found the image with a (regular) google search "beer stein locker munchen) and it came up. It's at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich.
It is at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. Regulars leave their personal steins locked up. They also have a carved bottom of a beer keg on the wall.
I've been to Munich twice, once on business and once on a tour. Neither time was during Octoberfest and neither time was I able to make it to the Hofbrauhaus. During the tour visit, when people went there I had come down with a cold so I was unable to visit it. I'll have to make it back a third time to see it.
We started the Ultimate Alps and Dolomites tour the same weekend that Oktoberfest started. We never made it to the fairgrounds but saw the huge parade through town.