
Saw a report on the news today that Greece plans on reopening for tourism on July 1st. Did not say to what extent. Wife and I are booked on the small ship cuise Sept. 4th. Keeping fingers crossed. I am more concerned about the flights.


  • wildcat03 - I'm booked for Egypt in October. I doubt the tours will happen. This is hot off the press:

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin encouraged Americans to focus on domestic travel this year as the international travel outlook for the rest of 2020 remains uncertain amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    In response to a question from Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network Monday about whether international travel will be opened up this year, he responded, “Too hard to tell at this point."

    The Treasury secretary clarified that there may be room for limited international travel: “Obviously, for businesspeople that do need to travel, there will be travel on a limited basis."

    Travelers interested in going abroad don't have many options, given a slew of international travel restrictions, government travel warnings and limited international flights. In late March, the U.S. State Department issued its highest alert level for international travel, telling Americans to avoid all international travel, an advisory that remains in place.

  • Greece has very poor medical care at the best of times

  • Where exactly does Mnuchin think people are supposed to go? We'd be planning an RV trip but so many campgrounds are still closed. While they are trying to open national parks many of those are in communities without many shopping or medical facilities. If not camping we might like to go visit our in-laws who have a lake property in the East but I don't want to get on an airplane right now. Major theme parks are still closed. Every state is in different stages of opening and nobody knows how well that's going to go. Allot of magical thinking going on.

  • We live right by Valley Forge Park. The parking lots have been closed. There are several trails, one main one. So now, at the weekends, our local trail pathways that go all the way Into Philadelphia twenty miles away are absolutely packed. We usually walk a loop of the trail that we can access on foot from our home, it’s just over five miles. There is no way we can risk it at the weekends, way too many people. Yesterday at 8am it was quiet.
    I can’t imagine how busy all National parks might get once they open, people who never exercise seem to be on an exercise mission all of a sudden.
    Fun fact.... Sealord says there is little virus where he lives, let’s all head there and join him with a glass of wine and maybe he can arrange his hairdresser to come and cut our hair.....
    Sorry Sealord, just meant in good fun!

  • I can understand the desire to get out in the open. Combats the cabin fever and the exercise is good for us. A friend I usually have coffee with and I have found an alternative. We meet at one of our favorite local coffee shops. Buy or bring a drink. Park our cars opposite directions 6 feet apart and enjoy our "parking lot coffee klatch". Did so thurs in a lot that is also used as access to a local hiking path. Saw lots of walkers and bikers.

    NM has been fairly lightly hit except for the NE quadrant of the state - primarily the Navajo reservation areas. Very badly hit there. We expect some restrictions will start easing in the next week or so but I wouldn't recommend to anyone to plan a trip here soon. Restaurants, shopping and activities will still be limited.

  • British. You might enjoy it here, but travel and lodging might be difficult. We live in what is known as ‘the Seminary’. The San Francisco Theological Seminary is across the street ... more specifically the ‘Playhouse’ and ‘the grassy field’. Since the parking is closed at all of the parks and beaches, the ‘grassy field’ has become one of the more popular places in our area. As you described, the politics of social distancing often backfires. All of the idle people are going to congregate at those few locations that are available. In the absence of these ‘senseless’ closures, people would be more capable of social distancing. The backyard beauty parlor was a one time event, unless this goes on long enough for another touch up and cut to become necessary. Everyone present at our coffee place noticed when our governor came on the TV with a brand new haircut. It’s not easy to be a member of the proletariat.

  • I think Mnuchin is likely thinking about later this year, not right now. It is more feasible that they can make domestic travel work in some sense later this year, whereas international might still be a year from now.

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