July 5, 2022 Bon Voyage! France Family river cruise - with teens!

We're just confirming dates with their parents, but anticipate booking this cruise with 2 17-year-olds. I really hope there are a few older teens on this trip so they will have a chance to make new friends. Anyone else booking this river cruise with kids, and if so, what ages? BTW, ours are a boy and a girl.


  • The best way to find this out is to call Tauck. They will give you ages and gender for the other families, just no personal details. For some reason, the Bridges tours don't have a lot of participants on the forum.

    Best of luck. Our first Tauck cruise was the Rhone and we've done 3 more and 1 in planning.

  • Thanks, Claudia. I will give them a call.

  • Claudia has the right answer, But it’s way too soon to get any meaningful results. I suggest waiting until just a few months before the date as you would be surprise how frequently people cancel even in non Covid times

  • We are on the July 5 cruise also! a Family of 11 (4 grandparents >75yr, 5 adults >40yr and two 11yr girls). Hope there are some kid size bike on board. I wonder will it be weird if we bring our own helmet :smiley:

  • Cwc, I don't believe there are kids sized bikes on board though you'd need to confirm that with Tauck. However, if there is a bike excursion listed in the itinerary they likely will be using a rental service that provides bikes and helmets. That's how they handled it when we took a bike trip with them on the Danube.

  • We are considering this family cruise, celebrating our 50th anniversary with our adult kids and 2 grand girls (7 &10.)
    I am wondering if @kidfixer and @cwc did a review of their trips and if they have any suggestions.

  • Unfortunately, kidfixer has not been back to the forum since February 2022

  • Thank you, @British for your response. BTW, I read your comments on the Family Safari you recently took with your family. Sounds amazing! I always appreciate your helpful advice on this forum.

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