Aug. 10, 2021 Departure: Looking Forward to Meeting Fellow Passengers

We are looking forward to meeting you all. If anyone else also is coming from Atlanta, please let us know.

Jeff and Karen


  • You should not show your email address. Bad guys search for it on the net! Ask for a private message to contact people,

  • I just sent you a test message. It will show aooear upper right by

  • It will appear upper right by your user name. Sorry for the typo!

  • Jeffrey.. you can click on the little star in the righthand corner of your post and it gives am edit option, click on that, you can then take out your email.

  • And your phone number.

  • All that information allows those with nefarious intentions to search for your home address as well.

  • We are booked on this river cruise next Spring. I hope you will comment when you return in August. I’ll be interested in knowing your thoughts about impact of COVID on the river boat, excursions…hopeful that you’ll have a great trip.

  • We did the previous version of this cruise - called French Waterways but nearly identical tour itinerary. Just more food on this one. It was our first Tauck experience and river cruise. Loved it.

  • Someone once posted their address, it was near me, I was able to look them up and realized I had met this person years ago. She was actually complaining about a tour, so I was curious to see if I was correct. I was able to tell her to remove her details….that’s how easy it is these days!
    On another forum I used to go to, never contributed to, that tour company let people know well in advance of who else was going to be on their tour, as a consequence, one woman found out people had realized who she was, found out where she lived and had driven by her house to see what her house was like! Maybe it’s a good we don’t get the list until we get on the tour!

  • I am scheduled to take this trip next April 13th it was rescheduled from 2020 and 2021.

  • During my 2019 river cruise Tauck TD informed us that they no longer release personal information to fellow travelers. We had to exchange contact information with selected guests. There were 6 single women who all were relieved to know that their contact information would not be released to other guests.

  • On a couple of my trips, the TD told us that s/he could not ask for personal e-mails, but if we wanted to exchange them, we could. In one case, I know that a member of the group coordinated the exchange; in another, I believe that the TD did, but only for those travelers who wanted to share, and not everyone did.

  • Travel Guy and British, MANY thanks for the security tips. Great advice. Just edited my information. So nice hearing from everyone else.

  • Enjoy your trip!

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