Vigur Island Puffins

As I process my photos from my recently completed Iceland tour I will post a few pictures. These are from our excursion to Vigur Island on Day 5 of the tour.


  • Beautiful pictures!

  • Sam, your puffin photos are wonderful!

  • Sam, My husband would like to know what camera you used? Thanks. Judy

  • Our Travels - Sony RX10

  • Thank you. Great pics. I love taking pictures and turning them into a photobook.

  • Wonderful puffin pictures Sam !!!!

  • Quick question if anyone can answer: What is the Wi-Fi like on the ship. Fast, slow or spotty or better in some areas of the ship than others? I w been on another Ponant (Japan) and there were Moses and groans about the poor Wi-Fi. I plan to be off the grid as much as possible but daughter and husband are curious to know. Thank you.

  • My recollection is that the Wi-Fi was reasonable, meaning I didn't struggle reading email, doing a couple of forum posts, etc. I may have had to reconnect a time or two, but overall I felt the Wi-Fi was reasonable, both from our room and from the Library Lounge (which is where we hung out the most when not in our room, not eating, or not attending a function of some sort).

  • Sam, forgot to ask you, was there nightly entertainment on the ship or did they scrap it because of the Pandemic ?

  • British - There was nightly entertainment in the lounge - basically some singing and dancing. The singing included a couple of different acts, one of which was much better than the other. The dancing included performers and audience participation, some of which were very good. I am as far from that last category as anyone could imagine, but I enjoyed listening and watching. :D Two of the tour directors were great dancers.

  • Thank you

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