QR code for negative COVID test to enter Egypt
We entered Egypt in Dec 9th for our Dec 12 tour. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to get a QR code or “lab stamp”for our negative COVID tests. We did have a QR Code for our vaccinations, which we generated through our state website and printed out. We were concerned about being denied entry to Egypt, since they state they required QR code or lab stamp for test result. Some sites also say QR code for vaccination is enough, but not all. Vaccination status was checked in US prior to boarding, but not test result. At the health check at immigration on arrival, we showed them the printed copy of our QR for vaccination, and a printed copy of our negative test result, without any lab stamp or QR code. They accepted these without problem. I just wanted to reassure anyone who may be having difficulty getting a QR code file their negative test.
Thanks!! That’s very good to know. We go , hopefully, in February. Please continue to post about the trip, Cynthia
I think we must remember the world wants our tourist dollars, especially Egypt where it is a significant part of their GDP. I don't think most countries are looking for a reason not to let anyone in, on the contrary. Also, you had the documentation to show you had the shot(s) and test, just not a lab cert. stamp or QR code or a country issued QR code which just lets them access and verify the information electronically and more easily. They demonstrated common sense.
Theoretically, they could call the US lab or in some cases state data administrators on the phone to verify the test, if they suspected you were a Typhoid Mary. On the other hand, to avoid any possibility of problems, it is still best to make every effort to comply with foreign requirements.
Say hello to Tut for us and tell him we'll see him in March.
I can think of numerous countries that would be strict, it’s just not worth the chance
SnJ & everyone reading HI!!
When you apply for the Jordan entry to obtain the QR code ( Tauck's Link) , you are given 2 options...
A- to do it with your CDC card ( need to scan the cards) - as prove of being vaccinated - you can apply 2-3 weeks in advance.. or
B- a scan of your Covid PCR results. - most people apply for the QR before you even get the PCR test done- why wait to the last minute; right!
In my case... I requested my QR with the CDC card and I got within 3-4 hours after applying.
When I went to the airport to check in , here in Seattle- I showed the Jordan QR letter and my PCR results and that was sufficient.
I boarded my flight to Dubai and after a 3 hour layover ,I landed in Amman.
As I we arrived in Amman, the immigration agent asked the Tauck Rep. for our papers, again the CDC card and the letter with the PCR results, that was all Folks.
I do recommend taking a couple of copies of both CDC and PCR results letter, because they might keep one..
Also, to be honest.. the entire process is less stressful that you might think ... something you'll find out once you do it for the first time...
and plan your flights wisely... I recommend the least amount of stops possible and do stay away from trouble routes..
Yes, it's good to save some money by taking 3 -4 planes... Maybe good if you're delivering milk....
But not worth the risk of being expose to something or the anguish of whether you'll be able to reach your destination .... not to even mention the change to find the 1 & only evil immigration agent that wants to give you a bad time .
AlanS my friend.. I do agree with you in many other subjects... but ,I do believe , because I was there and saw it.. that both Jordan & Egypt are taking Covid very seriously, not only because the many people it can kill and the devastation to their economy but also because their livelihood depends largely on tourism and it is for their own interest to portrait their countries as safe for travellers & to the world, which it will bring revenue for them as tourist arrive to their countries..
Plan ahead , information is your best weapon.
Alan, It made me laugh when you suggested that border agents could call the US lab for verification because it reminded me of a time here in the US when we found ourselves in a hospital in an area of Pennsylvania where they were not used to dealing with foreigners. My visiting mother in law fell ill while we were visiting a country fair and the volunteer Red Cross whisked her away to the local hospital. She had proper medical insurance, but because they had to phone England, the hospital refused to call. I just can’t imagine anyone at immigration with a long line of people, calling anyone to verify test results.
Yes you did 😀