Going to Give Cruising a Try

I couldn't let 2021 end without booking another tour. Thanks to the postings of cathyandsteve and Sealord, both of whom I consider to be the forum experts on cruising, I finally decided to give it a try. It's not until the fall of 2022, but it will be something to look forward to. Because I booked too late, I wasn't able to secure the cabin size I wanted but hopefully my preference will become available. Tauck was also able to save me a considerable amount of money on airfare than what I was able to find on my own.


  • kfnknfzk: Look forward to your review of this trip since we just came home from a similar itinerary on the new Viking expedition ship and saw the Ponant vessel at Milwaukee and Mackinac.

  • When are you going?. We are now in the fall of 2022. I have a freind who wanted us to do this trip with them, but the Canadians made it ‘covid’ impossible. The Swiss and the Swedes win, the rest world was wrong. Ooops.

  • edited October 2022

    Sealord, why are you lumping the Swiss in with the Swedes?

    Edit: I ask this as someone whose 2020 Switzerland Crown Jewels tour was delayed until 2021 so I was watching Switzerland fairly closely. They seemed to be handling covid pretty close to the rest of Europe.

  • edited October 2022

    SeaLord, what is you comment about?

  • I don’t understand the question. Anyway, the folks at Lake Como said, at least for Europeans or some portion, Switzerland didn’t shut down anything, and Italy was as tight as a drum. Apparently many Italians in the area work in Switzerland because the pay is much higher. The Swiss may have be preventing ‘tourists’ from visiting, but we were told they did not ‘lock down’ at all. The Italians would go across the border to have some fun. I don’t care to researc the details, but that is what we were told.

  • Switzerland and Sweden had very different approaches to Covid-19. Switzerland had a very high vaccination rate - 52% by August 1, 2021. Sweden did not do very much, apparently in an attempt to build to a herd immunity.

    You can see some information on the different responses at:

    Some people say that Sweden sacrificed their elderly in an attempt to keep their economy going.

  • Throughout most of 2021, before our Sep tour, I was regularly checking Swiss government websites as to what their restrictions were, what their infection rates were, whether American tourists would be allowed in, etc. They did have masks requirements even when we went. They did have requirements about social distancing and crowd size. Were they as restricted Italy? Possibly not as I wasn't paying much attention to Italy since we weren't going there ( actually the tour did take us there briefly). I was checking France since that was our follow on tour and when we went Switzerland was more restrictive on quarantining if you were covid positive.

    Based on my experience I don't see that Switzerland handled covid the same as Sweden.

  • I'm not sure how my thread of a Great Lakes cruise evolved into a debate about how the Swiss and the Swedes handled the pandemic.

    Nonetheless, I recently returned from this tour and will offer my thoughts in a few days to those who might be interested. I will, however, start a new thread.

  • Forums 101 - every thread evolves.

    DOn't forget to tell us about the nice Swiss and Swedes you met on the tour.

  • It's called etiquette. No Swiss or Swedes, just one Dane.

  • edited October 2022


    Thanks. I guess it makes them feel important. Sad.

    I know your long awaited trip is approaching. I am so happy for you! I just noticed your new photo...so adorable! My little guy is in love.

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