May 2022 Botswana, South Africa & Zambia tours
Hoping some intrepid Tauck travelers will post reviews of their recent experience on this tour. I am scheduled for the September 10, 2022 tour and woukd enjoy hearing your thought and learning from you.
cathyandsteve, thank you so very much! I loved reading your informative post and looking at your incredibly beautiful pictures. I haven’t traveled since early 2020 and am so looking forward to this adventure.
Cathy, Hello! .
Hope you guys are doing well, when is your next trip?
Hey dear, I just want to ask you a favor, would you please ask Steve since you're closer... if he consider a 70-200 lens appropriated for this trip? my other option is 80-400 both are Nikons.
Please advise. and thanks for re-posting you report... it helps to refresh some info.
Have a great evening.
cathyandsteve thank you both!
That India-Nepal sounds interesting, I'll wait for your report ... I went to India about 5 years ago and I loved! it was with Tauck, maybe I'll go again adding Nepal.
I will call tomorrow Borrow lenses and will check availability of the 80-400 .
Thanks a million .
Can someone kindly post a picture of the outside beds at the Kalahari pan.
I did in another thread,but here it is again:
This was set up for my wife and I (she went back to camp) so it had two cots, two heavy duty sleeping bags with flannel sheets and I believe some sort of mattress pad, and two pillows. It was very comfortable and warm. I only wish it had an awning over the pillow area- the dew was quite heavy. It was supplied with two hot water bottles (as was our bed back in camp). There was a wash basin set up at the head of the bed and two hand towels. We were supplied with one (or two?) large flashlights.
cathyandsteve, I am glad and not at all surprised that Tauck did everything right in 2019. Still hoping to get some feedback from 2022 travelers who took this trip in early May. COVID concerns and all that….
May 14th tour starting Saturday!
Cannot wait to hear from someone in the 1st group.
Was talking to a friend who just got back from Botswana tonight but only as we were leaving so will ask details tomorrow night.
British hi! Happy Friiiiiiiiiiday, finally.
Yes, please ask your friend, please kindly ask too about the forecast of the dry season , if they heard anything.
if the went with Tauck, also ask them how was it in Cape town- where they taken to the penguins or something else.
Thanks a million!
I know she is unlikely to have gone with Tauck, she”s a young friend….unless she has wealthy parents or boyfriend. You could check weather in Botswana Mil, jests a great idea.