Just can't wait!
It's been three years since our last Christmas Market cruise and I just can't wait! It was a last minute decision after coming back from the Douro River cruise in June (which was wonderful). We will spend Christmas Day on the Rhine as well. I just wanted to post something positive! If you haven't been to the Markets...then you are surely missing a treat.
727, DC-10, MD-11, L1011? or swimming, running, and biking?

Hey Alan, sorry I missed this. BPL has recently started so I'm trying to catch up. Actually, if I could swim-bike-and run to Europe I would certainly try it. But this time on Luft and a 747. She's an older gal but still pretty to me!
I was a triathlete for years, Alan. Two Ironman races and countless others under this old belt. Gave it up at 60 when my back gave up on me! I do miss it though. Thanks for asking and being perceptive.
@TheTriGuy. We booked the 2023 Christmas Markets Along the Rhine and would appreciate comments about your cruise.
Be happy to do it. But I think others like Terrilynn will be posting about her trip sooner than I will. Even though I've done this before, I'm always excited about taking this trip!
Thetriguy & AshvEd - we've done both of the cruises a few times, both on Tauck and on other lines. We are doing the Danube Xmas Markets in 2 weeks and the Rhine Dec 20-27, 2023 - we will post reviews on both. The itinerary has changed on both since we last went. And I agree with Thetriguy, we never get enough of Europe in December and they are the most reasonably priced River Cruises Tauck offers (which is important to us).
The title of this thread is great because...I can't wait for terrilynn's review of her experiences! Not only is she the forum's expert on holiday markets, but she, in my opinion, is the expert on river cruising. Always pleasant, courteous, helpful and unpretentious.
TheTriGuy and Terrilynn - We are on the Rhine (Southbound) beginning Dec 13, 2023. Maybe we’ll see TerriLynn in Basel.
While I certainly recognize that terrilynn is the forum expert on Christmas cruises/markets I'm confused how someone who has never taken any other river cruises is somehow the expert on all river cruises... She's a funny, generous person whose advice I plan to take next year on my first Christmas cruise but how is she going to be able to answer questions about the Rhone, Seine, Saone, and Douro other than generic questions about life on board? There's plenty of people on the forum who have taken those cruises who might be more knowledgeable. Just my opinion.
As my post is my opinion.
No catfight BSP. I'd need a worthy opponent.
Awe, come on Claudia. It was a little funny. 😁
BSP, I think its hilarious. Btw, so does terrilynn.
I find it truly tragic that an individual finds joy in demeaning others, especially for no apparent reason at all. Instead of hiding behind your screen and spewing vitriol, why don't you explain what it is that forces you to exhibit complete disregard for others at times.
It is unfortunate that Tauck and a few others condone such behavior, especially on a site where travel and sharing travel experiences are supposed to be the purpose. How truly sad for one to have such disdain.
I will continue to discuss travel. Perhaps you should follow your own advice and move on if you don't like someone's post. You always say that. And you have said that this is OUR forum. Our as in collectively, not our as in a few who think it is appropriate to engage in malicious speech because they think they will get away with it. Perhaps in the short term.
If you don't see it with your own eyes, don't invent it with your mouth--Yiddish proverb. And therein lies one of the causes.
How about you answer the original question. Why appoint someone the river cruise expert "in your opinion" who has no broad river cruise experience? Could it possibly have been a passive aggressive attack on me or anyone else who does have broad personal experience for daring to answer questions you think you're the expert on? I've never claimed to be the river cruise expert but have received multiple personal mssgs from others asking questions and saying they think I'm the expert. I'm not and would never claim to know everything. I do enjoy river cruising. We've taken 5 now, been on 6 Tauck/Scylla ships in 4 different cabin types. I try to keep up with what is going on there because I enjoy it. If I can help someone I will gladly.
Hiding behind my screen? I don't sit back flagging posts like you have admitted to doing. We know you are one of the two most prolific flaggers. If that's not hiding behind your screen I don't know what is.
Discuss travel? Lets see. You've taken a Douro cruise which by your own admission you sat out many of the excursions as is absolutely your right. You then got offended at me for asking about the bike excursion from someone with personal experience of actually taking it. You talk about how the Ritz is better than the Intercontinental, your love of the suite cabins, how special you get treated on tours. Other than your disastrous Great Lakes cruise, I can't remember much else you've talked about.
This forum used to be a fun place to talk about travel even when the occasional battle would break out about something. It kept many of us going thru the covid lock downs with games and such. All are welcome to participate. There is no inner circle, just a small group of people who regularly are there to help when they can. And then you started participating. I have enough introspection to know I'm combative. I spent 26 years in the military so I know how to stand up to bullies. You haven't just battled with me but several others as well. How about you take the time to see how you have contributed to what has become - all to often - a negative place. You are no innocent victim.
How sad to not be able to look within oneself for the truth.
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves--William Penn.
I will not respond to your next ridiculous rant. I have travel experiences to share with those who are here to discuss travel.
Yes, it's truly sad.
Thetriguy, (and everyone else who is doing the market cruises), looking forward to your trip comments. My wife and I have played with the idea of a "Christmas" Christmas Market cruise for years. We really need to do it.
It is time for you to look in the mirror and search your own soul, if you have one, for the truth. It is the same old tune with you- nothing changes. I've held back for awhile, 'biting my tongue', but you have gone too far again.
You left in a huff in 2013 and were gone for over a year because others were tired of your attempts to make up your own forum rules, control the forums, and your nasty barbs. Unfortunately, for everyone, you came back, but it didn't take long for you to fall back into your old ways. Like the leopard you never change your spots. To let everyone know, I quoted several examples and provided links to your YOUR vitriole (vitriole, seems to be your favorite word since you've used it many times in the past when attacking others or trying to "police the forum") You responded by leaving the forums again, staying gone for many months, but not before deleting all your offensive posts so people couldn't see the truth and wouldn't realize you were and are the problem. I also see that you have deleted an interesting post from your wall. If you would like, I can quote it for you as well as a few of your more recent offending posts where you have posted and said EXACTLY what you claim others have said, that you deemed inappropriate. Always the victim!
For someone who has only taken maybe one or two Tauck river cruises and a few North American Tauck tours, you sure try to make it appear and sound like you are a frequent Tauck traveler with dozens of Tauck tours under your belt. While you occasionally offer a useful tip, most of your posts are pablum that offer nothing useful, and all too often contain incorrect information.
Maybe it is time for you to move on.
Just be careful ChrisW! The Christmas Market cruises are very addictive. Ahhh...sausages...😉
Ah, come on ladies and gentlemen, take the toxic talk down a level and keep remarks appropriate to the topic. It does nothing to enlighten or educate those looking for answers. Cheers!
I totally agree AshvEd. I asked a perfectly reasonable question and got nothing but "vitriol" and deflection. Not to worry, this admittedly combative person plans to ignore her from here on out. I think I'll go watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. Better use of my time.
Either all lies, AlanS or taken out of context and you know that to be true. Years ago I admitted to flagging posts that were offensive and violated Tauck's guidelines. I did so in good faith and with the expectation that a few of you would reflect on your behavior. I was immediately referred to as the forum police and you were the one who went on a multiple page diatribe of utter nonsense. That was subsequently taken down by Tauck and you were cautioned about harassment. You are being cautioned again.
My G-d, this is a forum for all to participate in. Everyone. Yes, I will continue to stand firm that people should be treated with respect and dignity. If others want to turn a blind eye, that is their prerogative. But I will always stand firm for the rights of all individuals to participate and voice their opinions as along as those opinions follow common sense decency. There is enough hate in this country without bringing it here. If my posts are so offensive, why is it that only you and Claudia claim that?
As far as what started this, I complimented another individual because I believe that she is the forum expert on river cruises. Because I did not limit my opinion to holiday market cruises, another individual became upset because she considers herself to be the expert. She then went on an attack, wrote in circles and contradicted herself. All because she perceives an injustice. Sad.
And how sad that people have to witness this once again. My apologies to those individuals. I just wish Tauck would monitor this forum. For what it is worth, I have been in contact with them on an unrelated issue and will respectfully ask why the forum is not periodically monitored.
I wish all of you a nice holiday...yes, all of you.
Well, that is an interesting and a flat out fictional version of events!
I posted no lies, nothing out of context, not nonsense (another one of your favorite words) unless your refer to what you have posted. FYI, Tauck did not take my post down, I did, but I informed Tauck after doing so and alerted them to your behavior. I did not and have never received a caution from Tauck about anything I have posted. In fact, at the start of our Jordan & Egypt trip we received a personal note and a bottle of wine from Tauck thanking us for our loyalty and the help I provide on the forums and to Tauck IT.
If anyone should receive a caution about harassment, it is you. Maybe they will speak to you when you call. And yes, I've got it all! Just because you deleted your posts to cover your tracks doesn't mean they are lost forever. The internet never forgets- Google "Wayback Machine." I also have copies of most, if not all, of your trash. Have a nice day.
Why is this forum so important to national security that one has “copies” of posts? It’s like the Mar A Lago of travel forums. I know what I’m not thankful for this Thanksgiving; petty self important people. Let’s all have a safe and loving holiday and look forward to family and good travel.
BSP, you don't get to play cheerleader for a fight 2 days ago then be all shocked at the outcome.
But I agree with you -- it's Thanksgiving week -- and today I'm ready to focus on what I'm thankful for including the ability to travel and this forum even when it gets rowdy.