Round Trip Airfare from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - Is this included? Not clear from the itinerary...
Does Tauck include RT Airfare from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia in the price of the trip? Not clear from the itinerary and no place to
Does Tauck include RT Airfare from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia in the price of the trip? Not clear from the itinerary and no place to
If you look at the pricing, it says "includes on tour air." Tauck always includes on tour air, but not the air to get to the starting point and the air getting home.
The only exception to this policy of providing on-tour air that I have run into was the flight from Sydney to Wellington on the Grand Australia & New Zealand tour. Tauck handled all flights within Australia and within New Zealand, but made it very clear that we had to make our own booking of the international flight.
MCD. that's certainly a change from when I took that tour in 2012. Our tour started in Melbourne and ended in Auckland. The only booking I made was my International travel to/from USA.
My tour was in 2018. It remains my favorite. It, too, started in Melbourne and ended in Auckland, but I tacked on 3 days in Tasmania before the tour started and 2 extra days at the end.
I stand corrected. That's odd that the flight to New Zealand is not included. Tauck has the same "on tour air is included " language in the price of Grand Australia & NZ, but in the itinerary says you have to pay for the Aus to NZ flight. Weird. When we took the Aus & NZ tour that included a cruise, all flights, including Aus to NZ were included.
I have this tour booked for 2023. The way it was explained to me was the inclusion of on-tour flights depends on whether it is a Tauck chartered flight (i.e. only Tauck travelers on board). If so, it will be included in the price. The trans-Tasman flight from Sydney to Wellington will be a Commercial flight with both Tauck and non-Tauck passengers, and I was informed that Tauck is unable to make reservations on our behalf in this circumstance.
I have been on many flights with Tauck that were not ‘Tauck only’ that were included on tour flights.
Interesting. I must have been misinformed; I stand corrected.
There may be other reasons, but I think the flight from Sydney to Wellington might not be included because the arrangement is a hold-over from when Grand Australia & New Zealand had two sub-tours- an Australia-only and a New Zealand-only tour. They had exactly the same itineraries as each part of the combined tour. Just guessing.
Sealord is correct- we've had included on-tour flights in Africa (K&T, and B,SA,Z), Peru&Galapagos, Jordan&Egypt, etc. that were shared with non-Tauck passengers.
maximgr - when in 2023 are going? I'm booked for the February 23 tour.
Gladys - I am going in October. It is the only time that fit with my work schedule. Hopefully the weather will be decent at that time. Enjoy your trip!
Cathy - This is the Grand Australia and New Zealand trip. The thread seemed to shift toward that tour with several of the comments above. I did the Antarctica trip in 2018 and that was in December.
There appears to be only a Nov 30, 2023 Antarctica departure. GA&NZ is different,
9 of those in Oct ‘23.
For Antarctica I highly recommend January unless you really want to see the ‘elements’. We had perfect weather, occasionally dined outside, and Drake’s Passage was a pond. (None of those things are predictable even in January.)
We went in 2016;second trip offered that season ;first ten days of December.We had warm weather ;still needed all the outer gear but once you started walking on snow needed to take off the outer coat.There was a lot of ice that prevented us from going to the British post; forget the name.A few people went but then they cancelled for the rest of us.We enjoyed seeing the Penguins hatching little ones; an advantage for going early!