Wind Star - Greece - 2024

Just booked a cruise for 2024 on the Wind Star. Looking for information on what my add-on charges from the boat might be. I gather from the forum that I’ll have to pay for internet, up to $200, and there may be a premium liquor charge between $79/89 a day. Am I missing anything else?
Many of you travelers have given rave reviews about this cruise. I couldn’t believe how fast cabins are being sold. Still waiting to take my first Tauck cruise in May. Thanks for any information about the Wind Star.


  • While I have never been on Windstar with Tauck , I have been on the Ponant ships and nothing is extra, including Internet and drinks. This is Tauck’s statement about their small ship trips

    All-Inclusive Cruising
    Travel effortlessly, knowing that every aspect of your trip is already paid for – and taken care of – from shore excursions to gratuities, with no options sold

  • irdvo116 - If you Private Message (the little Inbox icon in the upper right of this page) to Sealord, with any questions I'm sure he can answer them all. He's been on at least a dozen (I think) Wind Star cruises. I think he's clearly the Forum expert on these cruises.

  • Thank you

  • edited February 2023

    We did Treasures of the Aegean on Wind Star with Tauck last May and did not pay anything extra. I don't believe there was more than one level of Internet Service, which was usable, but not too great, for anyone. Remember, there will be a mix of passengers- Tauck guests and everyone else. Depending on what they select, "everyone else" will have different fees and charges, but not Tauck guests. About the only extra costs for Tauck passengers are purchases made in the on-board gift shop.

    According to his post at this link, Sealord has been on Windstar ships 17 times! :D

  • irdvo, I'm going to Greece next year on the May 16th departure. How about you?

  • Yes we have done seventeen cruises on Windstar, and have been on the Wind Star once. We like the Wind Star a lot, but our favorite ship is the Wind Surf, which is three times the size, but the standard rooms are identical on all of the sailing vessels. They do have one ‘owners’ suite on the Wind Star, the Wind Surf has a number of suites, and the power boats are ‘all suite’ ships with some very large options. In case you are confused about the names, the company is “Windstar”, the boat is the “Wind Star”. The only thing you might have to pay for is laundry. Windstar was offering free laundry as a perk to bring people back after the pandemic, but I don’t know if that is still the case. Windstar has consistently very good food, which they have received awards for as one of the best. They are consistently rated as the best small ship cruise line in a number of categories.

  • Franlovestravel - going to miss you by a week! My departure is 05/09..>

  • Enjoy your trip! Looks like a great itinerary. I hope you'll post a review!

  • I'm taking that cruise/tour in 2024, also, but not on either of those two dates.

  • Mike, long time to wait, but I saw my cabin category fill up in 24 hours. It’s crazy how fast you have to jump on something if you want to travel. Guess this give me some time to research Greece. Already lined-up several restraints ………too much time!!!

  • Its a small ship. And all the cabins are identical except for the owner’s suite. I think some locations are better than others, and so do they so they price them differently. But, I would take any cabin if is the itinerary and the time that I wanted.

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