A couple of questions about the Isabella II

We will be on "Cruising the Galapagos Islands" in December aboard the Isabella II. We are striving for carry-on only, which likely means doing some laundry. I understand that there are no laundry facilities on the ship. Are there clotheslines in the bath or shower? Also, do magnetic hooks work on the cabin walls? We found them quite useful on our most recent cruise. Thanks!


  • I sailed on the Isabella II several years ago. If my memory is correct there were one or two washing machines on the top deck that were often is use. Don't recall if bath offered clotheslines.

  • Been on the ship twice. I don’t recall any washing machines you can use yourself. There was one point on the tour where the crew were able to take laundry to land for you. Because of the humidity, we got through a lot of clothes on that tour but you don’t really have to take any dress up clothes. Lightweight safari clothes for us that at a pinch would say fit into a Tauck duffle that you could use as carry on. Bathrooms are very small, not much room for laundry, it’s an expedition ship. We loved it, would go a third time if we could, we don’t need fancy big ships. crew are wonderful.

  • We went this spring. There are washing machines outside near the hot tub There are no clothes lines in the bathrooms, which were tiny. There were racks near the washing machines where you hung your wet suits to dry. Everyone hung up their wet clothes on the outside railings which were inside the windows along the hall to the cabins. Most things dried. We went carry-on and were fine. Not dressy at all and some people wore new outfits every day, (wheeled suitcases the size of a small frig).Others, like us, wore our clothes many times. The last dinner in our hotel, we dressed a little nicer. The magnetic hooks are a good idea, might work.Great trip!

  • I was thinking it was dryers, rather than washers that were on the top deck, but i could be mistaken. We were there in May. We were on the Peru part also, so we took a regular suitcase. If we were just doing Galapagos, I think we could have done carry-on. Fabulous trip!!

  • While I admire your efforts to take carry on only,I just want to caution you regardless of what facilities are there on Isabela,the itinerary is tight with most days with AM and PM excursions .Besides you are allowed suitcase on the plane from Guayaquil.A compromise may be just take one suitcase for both of you and avoid washing and have a bit more time to relax.Besides I don’t mind repeating mix and match clothes more than once or twice even.We did this trip in Dec 21;didn’t even check washing facilities;the rooms are not very spacious!Trip was just outstanding because of the itinerary,TD and the crew on the ship!

  • Dottie, I think you could be correct, I think it was dryers!

  • It may have been only dryers! I didn't use them but I know some of the people did.

  • Thanks so much, everyone. This is really helpful! We will need to bring carry-on only because our layover in PTY is only a bit more than 1 hour, and we don't want to take the chance of our luggage not making it onto the plane with us. We'll just plan to pack lightly and do a bit of hand wash. One more quick question--will US-type plugs work on the ship, or do we need an adapter?

  • I’m pretty sure they were US-type, along with some USB ports, but check your final documents from Tauck. That should say.

  • Re: the Isabella ll...are hairdryers available in the rooms?

  • Yes, Tauck doesn’t mention it but if you google ‘hairdryers on Isabella ll’ you can find it. I’ve been on the ship twice and was pretty sure they did. So I checked. It’s a great tour.

  • Thank you, British. Found the information based on your suggestion.

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