Malaria pills

Just wondering if getting a prescription for malaria medication is something most people do when traveling to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia?


  • Please talk to your doctor or travel doctor or at least read the information for the countries on the CDC website. It depends where in the countries you are going.
    I think you have mentioned previously on the forum that you take medicines that need refrigeration. Your doctor knows your health history, so they are the one to answer this doesn’t matter what others are doing, this is about your circumstances

  • edited December 2023

    I am going on this trip in a few weeks. I will not be taking Malaria meds based on CDC info:
    (hen enter the other two countries in the dropdown list)

    I will be bringing bug repellent.

  • We are going on this trip in January, and the travel doctor recommended them for Cambodia (Angkor Wat).

  • Thanks so much for the website, BKMD! I went on the CDC site prior to posting my question, but didn't get to where you sent me which was PERFECT! Bug repellent will definitely be packed!

    When are you going?

  • Hi British,
    You have a good memory concerning a previous post of mine. My doctor and I decided that i would go off that medication while on the trip so I wouldn't have to be concerned about refrigeration. The medicine is more of a precaution at this point, so she said not to worry about it. I appreciate your concern, though!

  • The. Cdc website is a good resource. Even better is the British NHS travel one. Will try to send link later, I’m going out now for most of the day

  • edited December 2023

    Try this.
    The Malaria maps are really good

  • jteiii
    the travel doctor recommended them for Cambodia (Angkor Wat).

    Wonder where he/'she gets that info. Ankor Wat and Siem Reap are specifically mentioned on the CDC website as having no (or negligible) malaria transmission.

  • I did "NOT" take any Malaria meds. - CDC it's not always the best source of info.- and I have notice they like to suggest the intake of meds on places that it's not needed. -
    Ask your Dr.. but if you do... I would suggest take in the morning with lots of dairy products. Breakfast- yogurt, milk, cereal with milk. etc..

  • Yes. BKMD is correct

  • I took malaria pills every day during the year and a half or so that I spent in and around Vietnam … no problem. I took them during our first three trips to Africa …. no problem. The last trip to Africa, everyone taking the pills had a problem except for the young people. Perhaps age has something to do with it or perhaps the pills have changed. We will probably not take them on our next trip to Africa in May. At a thousand dollars a day and more, I don’t intend to spend my time in the bathroom. None of the TD’s we have had in Africa took malaria pills, and one of them actually warned, ‘it’s not if you will have a problem, it is when.’

  • Sealord - to put it in terms you're familiar with, just like the term airplane, refers to more than one kind of flying machine, there's more than one kind of malaria pill. Resistance has developed to old standbys such as hydroxychloroquine, so other medications, with different side-effect profiles have been developed over the years. And, of course, different people have different reactions to medications.

  • edited December 2023

    SeaLord, that war was a long time ago, I think Malaria has been eliminated there these days in the places Tauck probably visits.

  • Sealord: I took malaria pills every day during the year and a half or so that I spent in and around Vietnam … no problem.

    Yep, that was chloroquine and primaquine, once a week, if I remember correctly. I never had any reactiion to it either. So far, I haven't had any reaction to malarone, but haven't taken it that often.

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