Packing reusable water bottle for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand?

For those who have been on this tour in the last year, is it necessary to bring a reusable water bottle?


  • Currently on day 11 of this tour. While the green ebook suggest bring a water bottle, and I did, it's not necessary. They hand out the usual plastic ones everywhere.

  • milmil
    edited January 2024

    TAUCK gives you plenty of water bottles. - in Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand.

  • Every time Tauck lists a reusable water bottle, I take one and then find they provide ones for us or hand out plastic water bottles. As it is difficult to adequately wash reuseable water bottles on vacation, especially when you are not even supposed to brush your teeth with tap water in some places, we use the provided plastic bottles. Since we don’t routinely use bottled water, we don’t feel as guilty on vacation using them.

  • I use bottled water with minerals that are important for the body to have. The filtered water by your sink strips the water entirely of essential minerals. I would never drink water straight from the tap (not where I live). It is shocking what is allowed in water depending where you live (even levels of arsenic).

  • edited January 2024

    Have you heard the news today about micro plastics in plastic water bottles and that bottled water is less regulated than tap water. We get an annual report of everything that is in our water. How do we survive without bottled water.

  • I have always drunk tap water at home. I haven't grown a second head yet. :)

    For electrolyte replacement, when in very hot climates or exercising, I use Nuun powder of tablets.

  • Thank you, everyone. I didn't mean to start a controversy about bottled water; it was just a packing issue. Thank you especially, BKMD, for the most current info re packing

  • On another note, now that I'm at the final hotel. All the hotels have electri9cal outlets accepting both 2 pin US and Euro (round pin) plugs. I believe one of them even accepted British plugs.

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