Vietnam Visa



  • I have uploaded a fairly high resolution image. Hope that does the trick!

  • Hi! May I ask what everyone did for their photo submission for the Vietnam eVisa? Did you have a passport photo taken and sent to you digitally? I’m not sure how else to get the 4x6 cm photo on my own. Any insight would be most appreciated! Also, did you use a photo of your passport page? When I scan it, I’m getting a small version of my passport data on a full page. Not sure if there’s a better way to get a good scan that is only the passport page and not blank space. Thank you!

  • We went to the local CVS and had a passport photo made which included a digital copy too, which we were able to use for the e-visa application. For the photo of our passport page we simply took a picture of our passports with our phone cameras and saved onto our computer as a JPEG image

  • I had an extra copy of my passport photo and scanned it, then submitted that for the Vietnam visa.

    You could take a picture against a white wall and crop it to head and shoulders and use that. Just don't have a shadow on the wall. You can set up two table lamps on either side of you to wash out the shadows. Maybe take the shades off of the lamps.

    The easiest thing is what FLboy suggested - go to CVS and let them take the picture. It's not too expensive.

  • We use CVS, It’s cheap and they know exactly what is wanted.

  • As an alternative to CVS (three (3) shuttered in my area recently), the Automobile Club provides the service as follows:
    $8.00 per set; two (2) free sets; unlimited free sets; based on Classic, Plus and Premium membership categories, respectively. I do not know if these rates are region specific.

  • Thank you, everyone! 🙂

  • We had significant problems with e-visas for Vietnam, requiring about 5 submissions for changes and still were only successful getting one of us a Visa. Problems included photos, blank spaces and other random requests. We ended up using the Tauck Visa Central site and paying the expensive additional amount for one of ours. (Honestly trying to save a few dollars when you are paying for an expensive trip is offset by the aggravation of time spent resubmitting,etc) Cambodia was significantly easier.

  • I'm really surprised by the experience you had. I did the Vietnam and Cambodia visas for myself and my wife and had no problems at all.

  • We were fine too. We did not have to do anything ourselves for the Cambodia part of our four. We were on the Mekong River and the ship dealt with it all for us.

  • edited December 15

    A bit late I know, but I just noticed this appcon my iPad about filling out the Vietnam visa

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