Roll Call - Trip Dates 10-16-24 to 11-02-24



  • MHTravels - Regarding medication and vaccines, you don't know what you don't know. You should talk to your physician and/or a travel clinic and you should start now, as one vaccine might require multiple doses over 6 months.

    Regarding visas, my trip is in Dec. I plan on doing it mysel with the Indian web site. Even if you use Visa Central, you'll need to supply them with the same digital pictures you would need if you did it on your own.

  • British/BKMD - what?!!!!! Humm well that little tidbit is good to know about solo travelers if I ever take another Tauck tour.

    MH Travels - British put it all out there for you about the visa.

    As for RX, I talked to my doctor and got an interesting piece of info I never knew. If you take a couple of Pepto Bismol tablets every day (whether you have symptoms or not) it will help coat the lining of your stomach and make it harder for a bug to get through. Now I would certainly ask your own doctor for thoughts as everyone's health is different. I try to keep immunizations/vaccinations pretty current. About the only thing I had expired was a typhoid shot so I did get that. Don't plan on petting any animals - heck I don't pet them here if I don't know them! So do ask your doctor what they think.

  • I was curious about size so I called and found out there are 32 confirmed for this trip. Pretty big group.

    Cheesi. Perhaps travel is getting back to normal. There were 15 on my POI trip in 2019 and 12 on my Northern India & Nepal tour in 2023. My biggest group size was on the Grand Australia-New Zealand tour which had over 30 people. Its a great trip.

  • We haven’t been on a full trip for years, except a Bridges tour in 2023 which had 46 when the max was supposed to be 45. That’s why we would never book a small group unless it is the only option to have or a date we wanted.

  • Cheese….more info. If you book another Tauck tour, if you book early, you are entitled to a free pre or post night on the tour. You must ask at booking for ‘ the gift of time’ lots of newbies don’t know that. We met a couple on their first Tauck tour just last month, they travel a lot but never used Tauck and they were impressed and going to use Tauck again, I explained about the ‘Gift’ to them and they were really grateful.

  • MHtravel. High recommend you visit with a travel dr or clinic like Passport Health (they are all over USA). There are a number of recommendations for India but nothing mandated. In the end it becomes a personal decision. We are traveling shortly and I declined the tdap boaster but did go w typhoid. We did a ton of vsccinations for Africa. Many still good. CDC website is also a good place to check recommendations. The list is long. That is where personal judgment and your own health history comes in.

  • I’m always surprised when people say they got lots of vaccinations for Africa because so many of them are vaccinations people should have had many years before for preventative health reasons. I meet so many people way over 50 who haven’t had a shingles vaccine for instance. People, see your doctor and see what vaccines you should have now, whether you are a traveler or not. If you are someone who does not believe in vaccines, that’s fine, but if you are someone who did not know about what vaccines you could have had, then go to your doctor and discuss

  • British- thanks for that tip. I’ll note it so if I do try another trip I’ll bring it up.

    I confess I love planning my own travel. So the jury is out!😀

    Pure Luxury- you could be right about people being more willing to travel.

    I think there will be some interesting stories to hear. Travel is special in that I think most people who do travel are willing to have and share new experiences.

  • British et al - thanks for all your input. I appreciate the full visa detail

    Been dealing with Hurricane Milton so not active on this site for a while, all safe now.

    Cheesi -The Pepto Bismal tip is good to know. A TD contact operating in India provided the "only need a tetanus boost" regarding vaccines, which we generally are not keen on.

    Any comments on flights booked through Tauck or Independent? Struggling to find routes out of Florida.

    Thanks all

  • MHTravels, we are leaving Sunday from Florida to Delhi for Portrait of India. We booked independently on Turkish Airlines from Mia to Istanbul. We have a few hours until connection to Delhi. Hope that helps.

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