Canadien Capitals and Niagara Falls 2024



  • Hello everyone, thank you all for such wonderful information. CVC, I’m so happy to know about the Holly Door and see your photos. And thank you for all the other great suggestions. Everyone has offered so many fantastic tips and I appreciate it so much.

  • VickieBerendse, please let me know how it goes getting to see The Aura at Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal. We are on the September 24 departure trip and that sounds like something we’d like to see as well. Thank you, Grace

  • I look forward to reading about your experiences! Such a marvelous trip.

  • Really appreciate everyone's comments! Looking forward to seeing more posts when people return!

  • We are considering this program for September 2025. There are Small Group dates and Classic dates. Can anyone relate the relative size of the groups and how it impacts the experience. We are considering doing this tour back-to-back with Cruising the Great Lakes: Chicago to Toronto. The cruise schedule dovetails nicely with a Classic date for the Canadian Capitals tour but would prefer not to be with a huge group. Thanks for any insight.

  • edited September 1

    Small group sizes are 24. Classic group sizes are up to 44 on some tours. The groups are always divided up for local touring, plus if you go on the cruise there will be up to 184 people. I am on that tour now, There are 5 tour directors. Yesterday, part of the group toured the Art institute, these are split even more, so we had one local guide for about ten or twelve people.

  • We will be on this tour on 17 September and we are really looking forward to it. British, any recommendations or places to avoid please let us know as we value your opinion.

  • Cleverpig - I prefer the intimacy the small group tours offer. Without appearing flippant, it is also easier to herd less people around and you have the luxury of spending more time exploring. Unless changed, Tauck now offers a 'smaller' group tour—no more than fifteen (15) people. It is a fabulous tour and one that I plan on retaking.

  • I’ve taken several Canadian tours but not this one.

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