Floods in K and T

See this report. It is still the long rains time in the area but this is exceptional

Tanzania floods and landslides kill more than 150 - PM Kassim Majaliwa https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-68896454


  • Seems to go from drought to floods in Kenya, though I doubt this will have significant impact on years-long drought.

  • edited April 2024

    Yes, we are on the next K&T of this season and I have been watching the drought. It is currently raining in both Tanzania and Kenya, so our normal ‘dusty’ safari is probably going to be a little different this year. We did do one safari where we could not see the road for the water all the way to Amboseli.

  • I'm scheduled for K & T mid June. I'm concerned about the devastation of the April-May flooding and the impact it might have on hotels, game drives, migration and wildlife habitat in the Masai Mara region. I can't get any response from Tauck as to how it might impact our tour. More important to me is if tourism will be a burden to those impacted by the floods, I'm happy to postpone the trip if it helps the community heal from the devastation. Does anyone have any information about the current K&T Tours during the flooding period? Any advise? What would you do?

  • I think there was only one tour before our planned tour in two weeks. Nothing to do with the rain, but my wife sustained an injury that has not healed and we have started the booking process and have a reservation for late June. I think you will be fine in June. We did one trip when the water was so deep on the way to Amboseli that only the driver knew where the road was. The tour was fine. Tourism is not a ‘burden’ on them. They rely on tourism. Staying away would put a burden on them I would guess by mid-June many areas will be dry and dusty. Amboseli and the Mara could still be a bit wet.

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