The apparent new Covid policy

Yesterday, our TD told us that someone tested positive for Covid (and who it was). She will remain on the tour as long as she wears a mask on the bus and eats at a separate table at meals.


  • That is in line with the CDC. But maybe naming the person is a privacy issue.

  • I would think that the person with COVID would have to waive their right to be anonymous for the privilege of staying with the tour. It’s only fair that the other people on the tour be notified about a person with a disease so that they can protect themselves. That person has already agreed to wear a mask and sit separately so those actions would already identify him/her.

    If the sick person does not wish to be identified, they should leave the tour.

  • You don't have to say the name but people will figure it out pretty fast when they see them wearing a mask and sitting alone.

  • We have been with people who wear masks on tours because they wear masks to protect themselves anyway. On our recent tour there were people like that. Tour groups often have sick people on them and spread other upper respiratory tract illnesses and diarrhea and vomiting. Those people are obviously sick but don’t wear masks. I still think it is a privacy issue to actually name the person, even if it might be pretty easy to figure it out.

  • edited 2024 15

    On the last Tauck cruise I was on, the TD informed us that if we went to the ship's doctor and tested positive for COVID we would be restricted to our cabin until we tested negative. Then, he informed us that he had asked if a guest could refuse a COVID test and was told that the guest could refuse.

    He reiterated that the guest could refuse the COVID test. It was clear that he was telling us not to get a COVID test if we came down with symptoms.

  • I agree with British insofar as there could be many reasons why people choose to wear masks when traveling. On our Dec 2023 holiday cruise, there were five (5) women traveling together who wore masks. One of the women had a compromised immune system due to cancer and her friends wore masks in solidarity. Sadly, some people shunned them thinking they had COVID. We sat with them a few times in the lounge. And we gladly wore masks without being asked to do so.

    I am surprised that a tour director would disregard the privacy of a guest. I would certainly hope she/he will be counseled. Merely my opinion.

  • edited 2024 15

    Don't automatically assume that the TD disregarded the privacy of the guest. It may be that Tauck's policy required the guest to agree to:
    1. Mask,
    2. Eat separately,
    3. Be identified to the other guests

    Otherwise, leave the tour.

    If the guest agrees to be identified, there's no disregard of privacy.

    Even if that's not Tauck's policy, if the guest agreed to be identified, there's no disregard of privacy.

    [Also, I believe that HIPAA only applies to medical personnel and companies. If someone tells me that they have stage 4 cancer (for example) and I go around telling all their friends about it, I have not violated HIPAA – I’m just a jerk.

    I don’t think HIPAA privacy restrictions would apply to Tauck. Someone who is really knowledgeable of HIPAA can correct me if I’m wrong.]

  • The TD didn't announce it on the bus, but mentioned it to people in small chats. Funny thing was someone asked me if I was OK when we got off the bus today, as I was wearing a mask I said fine, why do you ask?
    Because you're wearing a mask now. She was unaware of someone with Covid (the only other person wearing a mask). That's how I found out not everyone was aware.

  • MikeHenderson - I don't involve myself in circular conversations. We are all entitled to our opinions.

  • edited 2024 15

    @kfnknfzk - I have no clue as to what you mean by "circular conversations". I don't think I was having a conversation with you.

  • Mike, not so much a circular conversation as a circular firing squad of multiple people voicing their opinions on the matter. I didn't read your comment as pointed at anyone in particular. We all waded in without knowing exactly what happened or why. And that's fine.

  • Not to keep this thread going, but even email info between the groups now have to have permission from everyone.
    One singing group I belong to, for privacy reasons, the President will tell us we have been in contact with someone who has Covid, but we will not be told who because of privacy…and there are many lawyers in the group.

  • If Tauck extends a courtesy of allowing a person with covid to remain on the tour then I think Tauck should extend another courtesy to the other travelers by letting them know. I can appreciate privacy issues but as someone who has a compromised immune system the information would help me in distancing myself from the sick person. I will soon have two back to back tours - fingers crossed we are all healthy.
    Privacy . . . in 2022 our TD emailed everyone's covid certificates with birth dates to each person. Now I thought that was a breach of privacy!

  • You are correct gop6104 and there is no obligation to isolate people anymore . A Tauck TD cannot ask anyone to test. While at one time, Tauck had a policy that customers must be vaccinated, that is no longer the case. It is up to individuals to protect themselves if they feel vulnerable. We keep up to date with all our vaccines, Covid, flu, RSV, shingles etc. we do the best we can. Many people don’t get these vaccines.

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