Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna & Prague 2024

Has anyone gone on this tour in 2024? We are scheduled for the July 6 trip and would love to hear some comments.
Thanks, Deborah


  • Deborah, I have taken 15 tours with Tauck and this will always be my favorite. So much so that I went in 2012 and again in 2018. Not knowing your schedule or interests, I will make a suggestion if you have an extra day or afternoon in Warsaw. Visit the Warsaw Zoo (about a 30 minute walk from the Old Town). The Zabinski's lived there and you can visit their villa where they risked their lives to save about 300 people in their basement. You can see their story if you watch the movie "The Zookeepers Wife" with Jessica Chastain. Initially, I was told the villa was closed; under renovation. But I persisted, walked to the front door, knocked, and had a personal tour of the home. It was a very moving experience. Assuming you'll be staying at The Bristol Holel, the Royal Castle is very close and a good place to visit on your own. The Warsaw Uprising Museum is also suggested but take a taxi as it is a very long walk. If you enjoy visiting churches, take an afternoon to visit the New Town in Warsaw; there are many. Obviously, it has been many years but I do recall a really good gift shop on its main street where I bought good quality tees, stationery, etc. I could go on and on so if you have any further questions, please reach out. Otherwise, enjoy your trip; you are about to have a once in a lifetime journey through Europe.

  • I did this trip in 2017. I haven't looked at your itinerary to see if it's changed, but you many be interested in POLIN museum in Warsaw. I spent an afternoon there during free time and found it very interesting. This is a great trip.

  • Following. We are taking this tour in May 2025.

  • Did this trip many years ago and loved it. If you like Klezmer music there are several opportunities in Krakow. It wasn't included in our tour so we booked tickets independently. When our tour director heard of our plans she said if there was enough interest she could arrange for group tickets and a van to get us there. She even arranged for our group hotel dinner to be scheduled for an earlier time so we could attend the concert. The evening was a total success.

  • Thanks so much for your input. I really appreciate it!

  • We are going on this trip on August 3 and are very excited!

  • Oct 19th trip.. Also excited..

  • edited September 2024

    We were on the same trip with Deborah (hi, Deborah!) and on our full day in Krakow went to visit the Wieliczka Salt Mine. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is magnificent. EVERYTHING - statues, even a cathedral, is carved out of salt. Has to be seen to be believed, but the pics/videos you'll see online don't quite do it justice (imo).

    There is a VERY long staircase that takes you down the the start of the tour, and it might leave your legs a little wobbly, and for that reason, it is not for those who have difficulty walking.

    BTW, this is not on the Tauck itinerary. We arranged it ourselves during free time in Krakow. Tickets are available on the site's web page.

    It was a real highlight for us. It is about a 25 minute drive from Krakow - arranged for a car/driver via a quick email to our hotel prior to the trip.

    edited September 2024

    The Wieliczka Salt Mine was included on the "Royal Danube, Berlin & Krakow" trip that I took in 2022 (One of my favorite trips). Our farewell dinner was held deep within the salt mine. People were given the option of walking down all those steps, or taking an elevator down. I chose to walk. We all took the elevator to return to the surface after dinner. I agree that it is not to be missed.

  • I took this river cruise in 2018, we started in Krakow and had a tour of the Wieliczka Salt Mines and our welcome dinner there.

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