Transfer from Venice Airport

Can someone explain the logistics of this, please? I understand that a rep of the transport service will meet us at Customs exit, but how do we physically get from the airport to our hotel, since it's on an island? Car from airport to Venice first island and then a ferry/water taxi to hotel property? Is this a private water taxi? Thanks.


  • Our transport was via water taxi, a very enjoyable ride, assuming good weather. We had a private water taxi, but I don't know if that is always the case.

  • There is a bridge and train that go to the islands. I've only done it in reverse. From our hotel we went by motorboat to a parking lot the other side of Venice near the bridge. Then we went by van to the airport - about a 10-15 minute ride. Yes both van and boat were private hires arranged by Tauck.

  • My recent trip ended in Venice. Transport to the airport was a combination of van and water taxi.

  • I did a land tour that ended in Venice. We arrived by bus across the land bridge at the main island, then took a boat to the hotel. When departing, we walked out the hotel to the dock and Tauck had a private water taxi for us to the airport.

  • We did this trip in 2023. The Tauck agent met us in the Venice airport, and had another helper gather our bags. Then the Tauck agent walked us (about 10 minutes) to the airport docks where a water taxi-speedboat was waiting. The bags were loaded into the taxi-speedboat, we said so long to the Tauck agent, and then had a very nice 30-40 minute (or so) ride directly to the Venice hotel's private dock. Two hotel guys were waiting for us on their dock. They helped us off the taxi-speedboat, took our bags, and guided us from the hotel dock to the front desk. All very slick. The taxi-speedboat was clean and nicely appointed. It could easily have held 8 adults, but it was just us. I presume if there had been more Tauck guests on our flight, then we would have shared the ride.

  • edited June 2024

    Same experience here for the JW Marriott Resort to begin the Venice and Dalmatian Coast cruise.

    Very slick indeed! The speedboat sped through tiny canals and then the open sea.

    The speedboat was used only once the whole trip. There were two other Tauck guests on the speedboat.

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