Switzerland CrownJewel-Money

Did any of you bring Swiss Francs with you or just use American currency? Thanks.


  • I got Swiss francs at an ATM a short walk from the hotel but mostly used credit cards. You can't use American dollars or euros in Switzerland other than to exchange them for francs at a bank.

  • If I recall correctly, we brought about $200 worth of Swiss francs.

  • We always bring local currency in small denominations for incidentals. The amount depends on how many pre-and-post tour days we will have to explore on our own. I always receive them from my investment firm--no fees and very competitive rates.

  • thank you all. It verifies what I thought so will contact our bank etc.

  • Enjoy your tour!

  • I never converted any money. Seems that I could always use a credit card if I wanted to buy something.

  • Just came back - used a Credit Card. Used up my Swiss Francs in a chocolate shop (but a Credit Card would’ve worked!).

  • funny story... my husband went to our bank and asked about getting Swiss Francs...the two ladies who handle customers started laughing... apparently the customer just before us also was requesting Swiss Francs. What a coincidence!

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