Certified Tauck travel agent

Does anyone have a good one to recommend?


  • We always deal direct with Tauck

  • Karen, will send a private message.

  • You basically have only two arrangements to make- book the tour and book air. Tauck takes care of EVERYTHING from airport transfers to on-tour lodging, most meals, and all activities, so unless you are planning something exotic before or after the tour there is no need for a TA. Tauck also does air, though many of us book our own air for more flexibility. Some folks like to use TA's though I don't know why (some TA's violate their agreement with Tauck and give discounts or share a portion of their commission(?). Booking a tour with Tauck is not like booking a vacation at Disney!! It is a very simple process. In nearly 20 Tauck tours we have never used a TA.

  • edited June 2024

    I use a Travel Advisor (also known as a Travel Agent) and have been satisfied with her services. I'm picky about our travel and want to make those choices. Once I make the airline reservations, I go on the Tauck website and enter that data so Tauck can meet us at the airport. Never had a problem. Perhaps on a future Tauck tour, I'll try letting Tauck make the flight arrangements.

    I have let Regent make our flight arrangements but with Regent you can tell them what flights you want ($175 extra per person). I have a Silversea trip coming up and they now include flight arrangements (and limo) as part of their tour cost so I'll find out how that works.

  • You can also tell Tauck what flights you want Mike, they will book it for you. We have done this quite a few times. You do not have to go with their suggested flights.

  • We usually let Tauck handle the airfare but always do my own research beforehand. As I'm on the phone with Tauck I'm also have Delta's available flights and prices. If I can do better booking on my own I do so.

  • We do use a Travel Agent who we have used for 24+ years and she knows what we like. We look for air and so does she and then we let Tauck book them just in case of any issues. That has worked well and especially through the Covid years! We have done many many trips with Tauck and enjoy them all! Looking forward to Sicily in September 2024! We look forward to any other suggestions for this trip for free time or restaurants! Thanks!

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