How to best cancel a Tauck trip?

Any advice on how to cancel a big trip? We really have been considering this for a long time and had bought and paid for the Tauck insurance. I think it would have been better if we had not because maybe you can cancel at any time with Tauck anyways with minimal damage. We have booked the flight from Australia to New Zealand so will lose some of that. There are medical problems, but nothing that would warrant canceling for( as CPAP, syringes every two weeks that have to be kept refrigerated). Any advice?


  • Call the insurance company.

  • Tauck is very transparent regarding cancelation policies. I recommend calling them immediately before more time lapses. Good luck.

  • Debi I agree it's best to call Tauck, but you're probably aware that people travel with CPAP all the time. Also a quick search on Amazon reveals there are a number of "chill" containers for meds. I realize this could be a hassle but check with your doctor on this. I'm a firm believer in "if there's a will, there's a way". Lastly, would there be another trip you could switch to that might fit your needs better? For example a cruise? That way, you might not lose all of your trip protection plan.

  • Actually, maybe I should explain further. We, in our 70's, have been to half of the excursions in Australia and New Zealand when my daughter did her "study abroad" and we visited the area for 2 weeks. We have friends going on this tour in January, so we thought it would be fun to go with them and see more. Because of the length of the trip and the travel time, it's almost a month to be away and we thought of the other places we would like to go to for shorter 2 week trips. Our medical issues could also crop up at any time. On one trip the CPap machine was lost and found in Jordan, taken apart by officials and we never saw it again, although our tour guide did her best to get it back. So we are more thinking that we would like to go to Namibia and Patagonia (separate shorter trips). So my understanding is that the best way to do this is to call Tauck and eat all the fees that we can not get back. We do have a new CPap machine that still has to travel with my husband and we did learn in Machu Picchu, that his health is to be taken seriously. It is all in fun and every trip has been wonderful. We are loyal to Tauck. The trips and guides have been wonderful.

  • We had a medical concern with an upcoming trip this year. We did not take insurance. Tauck allowed us to postpone our trip a year and apply the deposit to the new reservation. While they were happy to do this for the same trip, I'm not sure if they'd be willing to it for a different trip. It never hurts to ask. Give it a try.

  • edited July 2024

    I’m lucky I have an Inspire implant for apnea. I just have to avoid going through metal detectors.
    I’m not sure Namibia is a good choice if you need medical attention and the same with Patagonia. Maybe stick with Europe. Really, Australia and NZ would be a good and safer place. They have good Health care

  • I once cancelled a trip and switched it to another destination on a different date with no penalty and still got gift of time, even though the rebooking for the later trip was after the cutoff date (the original trip was booked with GoT prior to the cutoff date)...

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