Gifts for kids on Elegant S. Africa

Is there an opportunity to give local kids crayons or colored pencils on tour? Not sure if this happens on this tour and any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • It’s a long time since we took this tour but do not recall mixing with the locals like you do in East Africa. If you bring anything, be sure to consult with your TD on how to distribute anything and certainly never give anything to children who are begging.

  • edited August 2024

    When we took this tour there was an optional village/school visit. If I recall correctly, there was a choice of a walking safari or the village visit.

  • We just did a K&T with a school visit. No one brought pencils they brought money. The TD sent a truck load of supplies from Nairobi to the school. Books, etc., … I’m sure there were some pencils but the group gave a lot.

  • We were on the South Africa Elegant Adventure tour in June 2019. We had an opportunity to take the "optional tour" from the Sabi Sabi resort to Swa-Vana school and Huntingdon Village. Only our family and one other attended as there was an additional fee of around $50 per person. The money went directly to the village which was in desperate need of it. The school was in need of books and computers and basic supplies. We didn't;t know about this option ahead of time, or we would have brought a few things. They did not accept cash, but they did have a way to donate directly to the school online. Hope this helps.

  • To be clear our group did not give ‘money’ to anyone at the school. The TD took the donations to Nairobi and bought a truckload of supplies which were sent to the school. If you give money to the ‘school’ directly, someone will likely show up with a brand new hair-do.

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