luggage size

I know the dimensions but I have a 29in piece that does comply. Is that too big to be checked? I am aware it should be 50 pounds or less.


  • 29 inch is fine.

  • We did this trip last fall. We bought one smaller suitcase to comply with the size restrictions but saw that others brought larger ones (e.g., 29”). Our TD told me that Tauck has to post what the charter airline require in terms of size and weight. They don’t usually enforce it but he said if they do, your luggage will have to be shipped. I’d suggest be safe and follow what Tauck specifies.

  • Frankly, 29” is huge!

  • This was my first Tauck tour in 2011 and I always travel with a 29inch suitcase. We had a mother and her 2 daughters who had to pay fees for each commercial flight because their bags were overweight. They only did the Australia portion as they did New Zealand on their own prior to the start of the tour..

  • We have never traveled with such huge suitcases, not even on three week trips. Especially when Tauck specifies sizes, it’s just so inconsiderate in my humble and personal opinion. If everyone ignored their weight and size limits, it would be crazy.
    We were on a Tauck tour a couple of years ago and one couple had the largest suitcase I have ever seen, that was just one of them, their other was delayed, they were so upset they wanted to go home right then and there. It was amusing to me to notice that every time I saw the woman she was wearing black leggings…. What the heck filled that case, I’m not sure.

  • This was my first 3 week trip and while I don’t have the documents from that trip 13 years ago, I did find one for a later tour that says to limit your checked luggage to one average-size suitcase per person, then it says to comply w/the airline baggage restrictions by the airlines which is what I always do and I stay under the 50 lbs. I admit that I am not the best packer, but I have gotten better. That being said, I still and will use my 29 inch bag when I travel. I think it’s more inconsiderate to be late and hold up the bus than if my luggage is 2 inches larger than someone else. I envy people who can just travel w/carryon luggage for long trips. I know that I will never be that person.

  • edited September 2024

    Besides the 50 pound limit that Tauck sets they set an overall dimension limit for your checked bag as well. The total of height + width + depth must be 62 or less inches ( per the website for the Australia and New Zealand tour )

    Your 29 inch bag likely will meet the size requirement but you could measure it. A “29 inch” bag might be 31 inches in height when you add in the wheels. The width is probably somewhere around 19 inches and the depth is probably 11 or 12 inches. So if you add up 31 + 19 + 12 you get 62 inches. That satisfies the Tauck size requirement. You still have to keep its loaded weight to 50 pounds or less to meet the weight requirement.

    You should be guilt free as long as you meet these two requirements. You don’t get a discount for being under the requirements, you just have to meet the requirements.

    You should verify the exact weight and size requirements for the specific tour you are taking. They don’t all have the same requirements.

  • I decided based on their suggestion not to bring a small wheeled luggage. A mistake. I bought a backpack of the exact dimensions. All I got from that was a broken back. Went out immediately and bought a small wheeled piece for our next trip!

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