Upcoming Essence of South America trip starting Oct 19

Is anyone staying on for an extra day after the tour ends and interested in joining us for a guided day trip to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar on Oct 31? Please post if you are interested. Thanks, Burt M


  • Burt you will love Valparaiso and Vina del Mar. I took a private tour there when I went on that tour. Worth visiting.

  • Good to know.We are looking for a tour guide/company. Who did you use?

  • We used Ignacio at City Trekking Guide, based on another Taucker's recommendation, and we were not disappointed.
    He often needs a day or two to respond by email, but responds immediately on Whatsapp.
    He is a sincerely charming, prompt and knowledgeable guide who is also an excellent driver. In addition to Vina del Mar and Valparaiso, we also hired him for an additional half-day tour of Santiago. He will meet you at your hotel. I do not recall the cost but it seemed reasonable at the time (one year ago).

  • Thank you so much Wan for the information! We believe in word of mouth recommendations and we appreciate you sharing this with us.We will reach out to him.Thanks again.

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