How much yen to bring?

We are traveling for our first time on the essence of Japan trip this October 2024 and wonder how much local currency we actually need to take with us. Suggestions?


  • We did not take any.

  • I never bring foreign currency with me (except Euros which I have on hand from past trips). Use an ATM when you get there. US banks will rob you blind for a currency exchange. There are 7-11's on almost every corner and they all have ATMs.

    Depending on your free time and shopping habits, the only thing you might need yen for is some trains don't accept US credit cards.

  • We did not take any yen to Japan. They accepted USD for tips and we used charge cards for everything else. Like BKMD...we never take foreign currency. He is right....Japan has more 7-11s than USA. They have anything and everything.

  • Just a note, there is no tipping required in Japan, in fact, they find it insulting.

  • We always figure approx. $100 US per day equivalent of foreign currency. If we end up with extra at the end of the trip, we use it towards tips for our tour director and guides.

  • Local Guides do not require tipping on Tauck tours, especially importing in Japan.

  • British, you're correct on that. We've just had guides go out of their way to do things/ and or pick up things we were unable to find, so we felt the need to show appreciation for kindness.

  • edited September 30

    Tipping is not required in most countries...but tipping is a personal that we partake in. Our tips have never been rejected or returned and have ALWAYS been accepted with "thank you".

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