Kempinski Ishtar Hotel

We are headed to Jordan soon for this tour. We'll be arriving a couple of days early. The Kempinski has a number of room categories. On past Tauck tours, we've seen that it's often wise to know what level of room Tauck has reserved, as early arrivers (even after identifying ourselves as Tauck travelers) don't always get the right room category. Do any of you whom has done this tour happen to remember the category of room that you had at this hotel?


  • edited 2024 04

    Not a clue, but I really haven't heard of many instances where anyone has not received the "Tauck" category whatever that is. If anything, I've heard of more instances where people have sometimes received better rooms than their fellow Taucktourians. In any case you won't know what the "Tauck" or "right" room category is when you check in, other than what it says in the trip description e.g. "ocean view" or your Statement of Purchase, e.g. "two queen beds."

  • edited 2024 02

    I agree with Alan. When you contact the hotel, tell them you're coming a day early (or whatever it is) but you'll be there with Tauck and you don't want to have to change rooms. I've never had a problem with that.

    I suppose it's possible they might not have a Tauck quality room available on your arrival date but I've never experienced that. Tauck is important to those hotels - Tauck brings a lot of guests to the hotel. They will treat you right.

    I've even gotten an upgraded room when I did that. When you arrive it's likely they will have a number of rooms empty and the desk clerk always seems to want to give me a nice room.

  • Mike - ...and the desk clerk always seems to want to give me a nice room.

    Nothing to do with the picture of Andrew Jackson you provide him? 😀

  • edited 2024 02

    Nothing to do with the picture of Andrew Jackson you provide him? 😀

    No, it was a woman and I think it was because of my good looks. She probably thought I was some movie star :)

    I encounter that problem often.

    [BTW, men wake up, look into the mirror and say, "I get better looking every day!"]

  • We just did the tour in October and we arrived 2 days early as did another couple who shared the ride from the airport. Our flights were delayed and instead of arriving at 10 pm we arrived at 7am. When we arrived at the hotel we were taken to our rooms fairly quickly, and the room was fabulous. I believe all the Tauck guests were in the same row overlooking the swimming pool with a gorgeous view of the Dead Sea and the West Bank. I was very impressed with the Kempinski as they tried so hard to make everything so nice. It is a beautiful resort and so relaxing. Don't miss a day at the spa-its amazing!!

  • edited 2024 04

    Mike - No, it was a woman and I think it was because of my good looks. She probably thought I was some movie star :)

    OK, then two pictures of Andrew Jackson you provided her!! 😂

  • Mike - I loved " men wake up, look in the mirror and say I get better looking every day" 😂😂😂

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