When to river cruise where question.

In 2026 we are planning to book La Belle Vie (Rhone) and Blue Danube river cruise itineraries. Our available time windows are April and October. Which is the best season to do each of them? We are thinking the Rhone would be warmer in the Spring and water levels might be better in the Danube in October...so La Belle Vie in April and Blue Danube in October is the way we are leaning. Would appreciate any advice regarding which cruise to do when. Thanks!


  • We prefer to travel in either spring or fall, no matter the European destination. With climate change, it is virtually impossible to predict the weather these days.

  • Spring and Fall are the best time to travel for most European tours

  • Spring and fall are great travel times for us - less crowded, cooler temps. One risk wrt river cruises is high water during spring run off and low water in late summer/fall. Either condition can impact cruising. The Danube tends to be affected by low water so I'd be careful booking a fall cruise though the fall colors would be lovely.

  • I always book river cruises in the Spring and land tours from August to October, the hot weather does not bother me being from Florida I'm used to it and I rather be hot than cold 😁

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