Anyone taking the Colombia: South America Eternal Spring tour?
__We will be on the tour mid-February. The itinerary looks great. Although it's a new itinerary, has anyone done a similar itinerary? Our documents include something about safety; it's the first time I can recall seeing that in Tauck documentation. Any reason for concern? Thanks.
The US State Department has Columbia rated at level 3 (reconsider travel) status.
I'm sure Tauck wouldn't take people there unless they were fairly sure it would be safe.
This is just a guess, but I expect your group will be small. Report back and let us know how you enjoyed the trip and whether you felt unsafe at any time.
Doing a bit more research, the cities of Medellin, Bogota and Cartagena are rated as very safe. Those are the three cities that Tauck takes you to.
This is what the US travel site says about Columbia.
We almost always register on the government’s STEP register, Especially to a country like this. Even on a Tauck tour, I’m thinking of our tour to Buenos Aires , when the Tour Director clearly told us to remove all jewelry and watches once we got to BA, several days before, not everyone listened and as we were getting out of the bus, she said….I still see watches, take them off! So, Tauck do their best of keep you safe, but you have to listen to them.
Hi NinaLoo- I took a tour ( with different company) in 2020, returning right when Covid shutdowns began. With a few additional cities, we went to Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena. It was a wonderful trip. The Museo de Oro and Botero museum in Bogota should not be missed. I enjoyed my time very much in each of the cities. Colombia is a country I would like to visit again.