Washcloths in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand hotels?
The hotels that I’ve been to in most of Europe don’t have what Americans know as washcloths for showering. The last Italy trip the hotel said, “yes, indeed we have washcloths” When we got there, the washcloths were dinner napkins/tea towels and not what I’m used to. Do the hotels on the Vietnam trip have what Americans know as washcloths or should I bring my own?
I’m not talking expensive, highly specific items, just a general Walmart washcloth?
I don't remember if tney provided washcloths, but it it's important to you, it would be best to bring some.
Washcloths are a very American toiletry item, not widely used in many other countries. I was told years ago that Tauck often has special arrangements to provide them in some hotels they use. In places like Italy they are often thin, linen type materials. In my culture they are seen as old fashioned from the days when people stood at the sink to wash instead of daily bathing.
You can now buy disposable wash cloth sized ‘cloths’. Another idea is to take a supply of the Viva brand of paper towels which are very cloth like and don’t disintegrate. These take up way less room than a supply of fresh regular type wash cloths that you would need for a two week trip.
On some trips we bring wash cloths that we purchase by the pack from the Dollar Stores.