
I’m considering going to Scotland in August on the England Scotland and Wales trip. I’m now reading about the midges and how prevalent they are. I’m considering going in August to see the military tattoo. Is Edinburgh plagued with them? I’m rather allergic to bug bites, and there’s all kinds of conflicting articles on the internet. What’s your experience been?


  • I did the Tauck England, Scotland and Wales and was not bothered by any insects.

  • edited January 12

    They are not in the city of Edinburgh but they can be a pest. We were plagued by them on Skye for instance.

  • edited January 12

    We did A Week in Scotland in August ( the Military Tattoo was AMAZING!!!) , and the Scottish Islands small ship cruise in May- no bugs. Both great trips! In August we did Skye , Western Scotland, and Lewis and Harris on our own- nary a bug.

  • We've been on both that tour (early Jul) and the Week in Scotland (mid Jun) and never saw a midge. On the Jun trip we took the train over to the west coast to see some of the islands and didn't see any midges there either. They mostly like rural areas like forests, marshland, ponds, etc and are most active at dawn or dusk. So unless you're going on a early morning hike up Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh you should be fine.

    On both trips I packed Avon Skin so Soft and never needed it there. You can buy in it towelette form and just keep one foil pack in your day bag in case you run into any bugs. I like it because it doesn't leak in my luggage and has stayed just fine for several years.

  • I did this trip a few years ago in Aug (and attended the Tattoo). No bug issues.

  • Thank you all! Very much appreciate your input!

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