
We are on our second visit to Patagonia, one of our favorites places.
Several people talk about getting to Valparaiso because it is not included on the Tauck tour. I’ve never done much research about the town and we did not have time to visit when we were in Santiago before. Yesterday we went there.
It takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get there. The town is set high up on several hillsides, packed with houses in precarious settings and states of repair. I don’t think I have ever seen such a densely packed historic town in all my travels. The homes are brightly painted and everywhere are murals. I definitely recommend going there if you go to Patagonia and not sure why Tauck does not include it in their itinerary.


  • fantastic pictures, thanks a lot.

  • edited January 22

    Good pictures. We went there in 2017. The main thing I remember were the funiculars. We rode two of them and they were fairly old and creaky. One of them was almost straight up - almost like an elevator. I read that there used to be about 25 funiculars in Valparaiso but there are only about eight working now.

    The other thing I remember was that the pisco sours were good and the empanadas were terrible.

    I found some pictures of when we were there. Not as interesting as British's pictures -

  • When I took the Essence of South America tour I booked a private tour to go there as well as Vina del Mar another nice town, as Tauck didn't go, Valparaiso is an incredibly interesting town, the murals are very well painted. and there's a lot of small art stores along the way.
    Also on my own I went to La Chacona (Pablo Neruda's house) and The Chileno Museum de Arte Pre-Columbino, well worth seeing.

  • Yes Mike, not many funiculars operating, we went on two.
    Gladys, we went to Pablo Neruda’s house last visit. And we recommend it. Not far from the Tauck hotel if I recall correctly.
    We’ve had a few empanadas and they do vary. Our local tour guide told us today that Chilean people do not like spicy food.

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