1920’s Night

We are going on the Belgium and The Netherlands Tauck riverboat trip next month. I noticed in our travel documents that guests are encouraged to wear 1920’s style costumes one evening. I assume that other Tauck trips are including this to celebrate their 100th anniversary. Has anyone experienced this and if so, did many guests participate?


  • Just received our tour package for Rhine river cruise in May and it includes the 1920's evening as well. We will try to bring something to wear but won't go overboard(no pun intended) with suitcase space!

  • Oh no!
    Needing to dress up in a costume like Halloween while on vacation instead of packing light and saving room for souvenirs.
    There must be a lot of free time in the afternoon to put make up on and wash the things afterward.

  • I have a river cruise in April Montreux to Brussels and it also includes a 1920"s night.

  • Oh dear, that would put me off. I want room for practical clothes. The black and white evening on the small ship cruise is easier.

  • Yikes! Can some one tell me how to bring a herringbone tweed jacket, a pair of suspenders, a wool cap and a pair of plaid pants onto the carry on. Hopefully no one spills red wine on them which requires dry cleaning.

    Do you think this applies to the Family cruise?

  • I hope not, I’d stop going on the Bridges tours. Having to mess around thinking about what to take for such an event would be a pain for what is a vacation where guests are normally asked to adhere to one medium suitcase. On reflection, I think we would not be the only ones who don’t want to participate.

  • I think it would be fun and easy to pull off with a little bit of ingenuity. Take a simple sheath dress and add some frills, beads, etc. Maybe some gloves and a different hairdo. No extra luggage space required. It might be a bit more complex for men. I imagine Tauck might have some accessories for guests to borrow. It is voluntary...no one is forcing it upon you. For those going on one of these cruises, please report back. Enjoy, whether you participate or not.

  • Kfnknfzk. I think you are really sweet, but I can’t believe the majority of people could be bothered to go to all that trouble. I also know very few women who can sew at all. I’m sewing costumes for a show at the moment and we are getting helpers volunteering of all ages in our group, they don’t know how to use a sewing machine or do simple things. It’s not on most people’s radar these days.

  • edited March 10

    We don't have a cruise until Jun and haven't heard anything about this but also haven't gotten our final documents. I don't take the word "encouraged" to mean anything more than that. Certainly some may go all in but there are some simple options. Women could bring beaded items, a fringed wrap, a head band, feathers, long string of fake pearls, mary jane or Tstrap shoes, etc. For men, a plain white dress shirt, vest and a black bow tie would be fine. We're kind of lucky because we used to participate in Cowboy Action Shooting which requires vintage dress so we actually have plenty of items without overloading our luggage at all. I certainly wouldn't go out and spend a bunch of money on something I'd never wear again. And given that we are doing a back to back pair of tours I'm not wasting much packing space on this.

  • We are doing Rendezvous on the Seine River Cruise Apr/May. There is no mention of 1920s night for us and we are glad. There is one dress up night in a Palace and that is all the extras we need to pack for a 3 week trip. That said, it is optional I'm sure and we would not bring clothes we'd wear once for a couple of hours. It's too much with trains, etc. Sounds like a fun idea, but not practical for us.

  • Ha, ha, British. I appreciate the kind sentiment but don't get yourself into trouble. I understand what you are saying; I guess women don't sew much these days. My husband actually likes to mend and is much neater than I am with hand sewing. I do, however, have the first aid kit handy when I see him with a needle and thread.

  • I will be doing a river cruise this fall. This sounds like a good night for Arthur's to me.

  • I would not take this 1920’s theme seriously for a nano second. For all you know, Tauck may supply the accessories for a 1920’s theme extravaganza! I also would not allocate extra room in my suitcase for a few items for a few hours.

  • We are bringing 1920’s clothes for our 3 week trip

  • Please take photos and post here!

  • I for one, like shipboard activities. Last fall we took the Rhine/Octoberfest River cruise. Between the crews' entertainment nights and the passengers' entertainment nights it was an absolute highlight of the trip. It really doesn't require a lot of imagination or suitcase room to participate. I think it's more an issue of some people simply don't enjoy "forced fun". And that's why Tauck only "suggests/encourages" people to pack for a theme. Different strokes for different folks.

  • So that explains why they suggest/encourage the wearing of sports coats, people don’t enjoy forced clothing. That sure makes it easier to make a decision.

  • You could always go with this option from Amazon.

  • I love it, want one!

  • It comes in 20+ colors. Options for all.

  • I agree with loves2travel2 insofar as how pleasurable the onboard entertainment and antics of the crew are. It is a great way to build camaraderie. Again, you don't have to participate and you certainly are not going to be denied entry to either the lounge or dining room should you choose to not partake. Just have a little fun!

  • I would not take this 1920’s theme seriously for a nano second. For all you know, Tauck may supply the accessories for a 1920’s theme extravaganza! I also would not allocate extra room in my suitcase for a few items for a few hours.

    I agree. I don't even know what they wore back then.

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