Provisioning ship

One of my delights with foreign travel is going to food markets. Is it possible to accompany the cook/provisioner to the early am. market? We will be on the 2016 June Budapest to Amsterdam cruise.


  • Think you are on the wrong sort of ship
  • Well, here's some new territory subject wise for the forum. Supposedly all the food on the river cruise ships is local, fresh, etc. so it could be possible. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean they go to the market vs having it ordered and brought to the ship.

    Since the tour starts at 4pm you will have probably already missed the initial provisioning. Once on board, you could always ask a tour or cruise director to find out if the chef/staff will be making a trip to a market, whether you could go with or whether there were any towns on the tour with a market that you could visit on your own.

    If anyone could arrange this, a Tauck director could. We had one gentleman on our cruise who was interested in diesel engines and the TD arranged for him to have a tour of the ship's engines.

    I figure it never hurts to ask as long as you're willing to take a "No" graciously.
  • edited April 2015
    Since a number of meals are provided on land, I suspect the boat has enough provisions from the start of all but the longest trips. Also, like with most vessels (river boats to Navy ships, to behemoth cruise ships ) provisioning is likely handled by a husbanding agent who arranges for tugs, port berthing, fees, fresh water, garbage removal, provisions (dry goods and foods), fuel, etc., etc.

    There is just too much food needed, and no way the ships kitchen crew could shop for it locally and haul it all back to the ship (remember they must prepare the next meal)!!! Typically the provisioning evolution takes place at night, early morning, or at times when it won't interfere with the passengers. That is not to say the cook/assistants won't source local specialties, but I doubt it.
  • Alan, you sound like my husband the Supply Officer. You're also probably right. I suspect Hathy's best chance is a farmers or specialty food market in one of the towns visited. Our French Waterways cruise had both and what a treat they were.

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